Created by
Declan McGrath
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:~declanmg/bzr/264275-fix
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- Robert Collins (community): Needs Fixing
- John A Meinel: Pending requested
Diff: 145 lines (+91/-0)4 files modifiedbzrlib/builtins.py (+25/-0)
bzrlib/errors.py (+5/-0)
bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_add.py (+55/-0)
bzrlib/tests/test_errors.py (+6/-0)
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 4742. By jack <jack@pixie>
Made some post-review changes as requested (more to do) as follows...
* Renamed overly verbose error class
* Made all text lines less than 80 chars long
* Added docstring to is_realpath_outside_ tree()
* Removed use of os.mkdir where appropriate in tests - 4735. By jack <jack@pixie>
Added a test concerning adding a file under a symlinked dir outside working copy
- 4734. By Declan McGrath <jack@jack>
Trying to target the specific test case more accurately. Still WIP.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp:bzr