Merge ~dbungert/curtin:server/jammy into curtin:ubuntu/jammy

Proposed by Dan Bungert
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: Dan Bungert
Merged at revision: a74424850379e2cd2e19b437a3f0e60aae374958
Proposed branch: ~dbungert/curtin:server/jammy
Merge into: curtin:ubuntu/jammy
Diff against target: 40 lines (+6/-1)
3 files modified
curtin/commands/ (+1/-1)
curtin/commands/ (+3/-0)
debian/control (+2/-0)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Server Team CI bot continuous-integration Needs Fixing
Olivier Gayot Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

Create ubuntu/jammy branch
Cherry-pick two risc-v fixes: 1b612eb, 8c13139

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Revision history for this message
Server Team CI bot (server-team-bot) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Olivier Gayot (ogayot) :
review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Server Team CI bot (server-team-bot) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Server Team CI bot (server-team-bot) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Server Team CI bot (server-team-bot) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Dan Bungert (dbungert) wrote :

Manually merging since the robot isn't setup for this sort of merge check.

Preview Diff

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1diff --git a/curtin/commands/ b/curtin/commands/
2index 262d653..1dc0233 100644
3--- a/curtin/commands/
4+++ b/curtin/commands/
5@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ PRIMARY_ARCH_MIRRORS = {"PRIMARY": "",
7 "SECURITY": ""}
8 PRIMARY_ARCHES = ['amd64', 'i386']
9-PORTS_ARCHES = ['s390x', 'arm64', 'armhf', 'powerpc', 'ppc64el']
10+PORTS_ARCHES = ['s390x', 'arm64', 'armhf', 'powerpc', 'ppc64el', 'riscv64']
13 "deb $MIRROR $RELEASE-proposed main restricted universe multiverse")
14diff --git a/curtin/commands/ b/curtin/commands/
15index ba46bd2..74ffdf1 100644
16--- a/curtin/commands/
17+++ b/curtin/commands/
18@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ def get_grub_package_name(target_arch, uefi, rhel_ver=None):
19 elif target_arch == 'i386':
20 grub_name = 'grub-efi-ia32'
21 grub_target = 'i386-efi'
22+ elif target_arch == 'riscv64':
23+ grub_name = 'grub-efi-riscv64'
24+ grub_target = 'riscv64-efi'
25 else:
26 raise ValueError('Unsupported UEFI arch: %s' % target_arch)
27 else:
28diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
29index 9f0b71d..72bb6cc 100644
30--- a/debian/control
31+++ b/debian/control
32@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7),
33 python3-setuptools,
34 python3-yaml
35 Homepage:
38 X-Python3-Version: >= 3.2
40 Package: curtin


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