
Created by David Goetz and last modified
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Branch information

David Goetz
OpenStack Object Storage (swift)

Recent revisions

262. By gholt

.super_admin may get any user info
.reseller_admin may not get .reseller_admin info
.admin may not get .reseller_admin or .admin info
users can't get any user info

261. By Mike Barton

swift3 middleware missing content-type fix

260. By Greg Lange <email address hidden>

Added two command line options to bin/swift-log-stats-collector.

259. By Mike Barton

Remove boto dependency by implementing request canonicalization logic in swift3 middleware.

258. By clayg

fixed lockups and lost messages in swift-init and capture_stdio

257. By David Goetz

Check the md5sum against metadata ETag on object GETs, and zero byte checks on GETs, HEADs, and POSTs.

256. By David Goetz

changing /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/env python in bins

255. By gholt

Static web filter middleware.

254. By Mike Barton

refactor obj-rep a bit and move local hash recalculation to before rsync

253. By John Dickinson

added default support for content-disposition and allows x-object-manifest to be manipulated like any other object metadata header

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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