
Created by Fred Pauling and last modified
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Recent revisions

8. By Michael Bosse

fixed additional bug in pivot code for gauss-huard, improved test cases with almost equal matrices

7. By Michael Bosse

fixed bug in pivoting of gauss-huard algorithm, and added LDL factorization and LDU system solving routines

6. By Brett Grandbois

add in win32 fixes

5. By Fred Pauling

Add missing methods and members from post-launchpad commits in original repo:
'center()' method in Pose2DCov.hh
'fix' member in Rotation2D.hh

4. By Brett Grandbois

make fred the listed maintainer as he uses it more than me

3. By Brett Grandbois

remove the old internal packaging configuration and make it more generic
for general distribution

2. By Fred Pauling

Fix directory structure

1. By Fred Pauling

Initial add from svn

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
