Publishing details


mpdecimal2 (2.5.0-4ubuntu1~18.04.sav0) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Bionic
  * Update symbols files
  * Rename source to mpdecimal2 for PPA co-existence with mpdecimal 2.5.1
    - d/control: Rename libmpdec-{dev,doc} packages to libmpdec2-{dev,doc} to
      allow specific install of 2.5.0 and PPA co-existence with other versions
      + Add Conflicts/Replaces libmpdec-dev to renamed libmpdec2-dev package
    - d/libmpdec-dev.*: Rename package install files as libmpdec2-dev.*
  * Due FTBFS ("dh_sphinxdoc: ... does not include any JavaScript code" error):
    - debian/rules: Change override_dh_sphinxdoc to override_dh_sphinxdoc-indep
      and replace dh_sphinxdoc invocation with manual loop to dh_link .js files
      + Add empy override_dh_sphinxdoc-arch to prevent running above loop again

 -- Rob Savoury <email address hidden>  Thu, 20 May 2021 15:58:17 -0700


Built packages

Package files