
Created by Clint Byrum and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/natty/upstart/add-serial-console
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Branch information

Clint Byrum

Recent revisions

1293. By Clint Byrum

adding missed new conf file

1292. By Clint Byrum

debian/conf/ttyS.conf: Run getty on the serial console. (LP: #702574)

1291. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

* debian/rules: make sure apparmor-profile-load is executable.
* debian/apparmor-profile-load: common AppArmor profile loading helper
  which can be used by any upstart services, regardless of the state
  of AppArmor (LP: #692801).

1290. By James Hunt

Begin new release.

1289. By James Hunt

releasing version 0.6.7-1

1288. By James Hunt

Added myself as a maintainer.

1287. By James Hunt

* New upstream release:
  - Added manual stanza.
  - Added debug stanza.
  - Added start_on, stop_on and emits properties.
  - Added GoalChanged, StateChanged and Failed signals.
  - Documentation updates.

1286. By James Hunt

New upstream release.

1285. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

releasing version 0.6.6-3

1284. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

releasing version 0.6.6-2

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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