- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:~ciri-2/mailman/language
Branch merges
- Barry Warsaw: Approve
Diff: 25 lines (+4/-4)1 file modifiedsrc/mailman/model/docs/languages.rst (+4/-4)
Related bugs
Bug #1308769: Languages are saved too late - after calling clear() | High | Fix Released |
Related blueprints
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 7246. By Barry Warsaw
* Fixed a crash in the REST server when searching for nonmembers via
``/find`` which we've never seen before, because those members only have an
address record, not a user record. This requires a small change in the API
where the JSON response's ``address`` key now contains the URL to the
address resource, the new ``email`` key contains the email address as a
string, and the ``user`` key is optional. - 7241. By Barry Warsaw
* Addresses can be added to existing users, including display names, via the
REST API. [Florian Fuchs]Also, email addresses are validated when they are added via the IUserManager
interface. They are still also validated when subscribing to a mailing list,
but that is redundant. - 7240. By Barry Warsaw
* Greatly improve the fidelity of the Mailman 2.1 list importer functionality
(i.e. ``mailman import21``). [Aurélien Bompard].* Fixed a typo in the IMailingList interface.
- 7239. By Barry Warsaw
* Fix IntegrityError (against PostgreSQL) when deleting a list with content
filters. Given by Aurélien Bompard. (LP: #1117174) - 7238. By Barry Warsaw
* Fix non-member moderation rule to prefer a member sender if both members
and non-members are in the message's sender list. Given by Aurélien
Bompard. (LP: #1291452)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp:mailman