
Created by Jens-Malte Gottfried and last modified
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Recent revisions

505. By Stephan Meister

fixed crash on first start of Tuchulcha

504. By Gerald Mwangi

reversed previous fix

503. By Gerald Mwangi

fix for group interface: change _updateDynamics to wait until update prepareUpdate in charon_run is definately finished

502. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

fixed monospace font in update dialog

501. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

avoid user interaction in automated test

500. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

reworked handling of dynamicUpdate

If updating finished in less than 0.5 secs, nothing shows up.
If timeout occurred, the log window is shown (requests user-interaction, e.g. pressing ESC after finish)
If log contains error lines, the log window is shown too.

499. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

fixed tab focus order

498. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

option to deactivate splash screen

497. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

option use relative paths in workflow files

496. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

fixed cmd line args

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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