
Created by Jens-Malte Gottfried and last modified
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Recent revisions

18. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

added YosemiteIterCrop and reworked description of flowHsSinus

17. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

added multi-frame HS example

16. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

added rubberwhale pyramid example

15. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

updated to modified argosdisplay slot names

14. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

added SF logo

13. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

added link to the converter on the flow examples page

12. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

fixed image pair info

11. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

added sequence converter

10. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

removed example references

9. By Jens-Malte Gottfried

fixed titles and added Papenberg2006 reference

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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