The attempt to merge lp:~cerberus/nova/lp813006 into lp:nova failed. Below is the output from the failed tests. FloatingIpTest test_floating_ip_allocate OK 0.31 test_floating_ip_associate OK 0.10 test_floating_ip_disassociate OK 0.10 test_floating_ip_release OK 0.10 test_floating_ip_show OK 0.10 test_floating_ips_list OK 0.10 test_translate_floating_ip_view OK 0.04 FixedIpTest test_add_fixed_ip OK 0.08 test_add_fixed_ip_no_network OK 0.08 test_remove_fixed_ip OK 0.08 test_remove_fixed_ip_no_address OK 0.29 FlavorsExtraSpecsTest test_create OK 0.05 test_create_empty_body OK 0.05 test_delete OK 0.05 test_index OK 0.05 test_index_no_data OK 0.05 test_show OK 0.05 test_show_spec_not_found OK 0.05 test_update_item OK 0.05 test_update_item_body_uri_mismatch OK 0.05 test_update_item_empty_body OK 0.06 test_update_item_too_many_keys OK 0.06 AccountsTest test_account_create OK 0.39 test_account_delete OK 0.18 test_account_update OK 0.18 test_get_account OK 0.18 AdminAPITest test_admin_disabled OK 0.14 test_admin_enabled OK 0.44 APITest test_exceptions_are_converted_to_faults OK 0.02 test_malformed_json OK 0.06 test_malformed_xml OK 0.06 Test test_authorize_project OK 0.10 test_authorize_token OK 0.11 test_authorize_user OK 0.06 test_bad_project OK 0.34 test_bad_token OK 0.06 test_bad_user_bad_key OK 0.06 test_bad_user_good_key OK 0.05 test_no_user OK 0.05 test_not_existing_project OK 0.11 test_token_expiry OK 0.06 TestFunctional test_token_doesnotexist OK 0.07 test_token_expiry OK 0.34 TestLimiter test_authorize_token OK 0.12 LimiterTest test_limiter_custom_max_limit OK 0.00 test_limiter_limit_and_offset OK 0.00 test_limiter_limit_medium OK 0.00 test_limiter_limit_over_max OK 0.00 test_limiter_limit_zero OK 0.00 test_limiter_negative_limit OK 0.00 test_limiter_negative_offset OK 0.00 test_limiter_nothing OK 0.00 test_limiter_offset_bad OK 0.00 test_limiter_offset_blank OK 0.00 test_limiter_offset_medium OK 0.00 test_limiter_offset_over_max OK 0.00 test_limiter_offset_zero OK 0.00 MiscFunctionsTest test_get_id_from_href OK 0.00 test_get_id_from_href_bad_request OK 0.00 test_remove_version_from_href OK 0.00 test_remove_version_from_href_2 OK 0.01 test_remove_version_from_href_3 OK 0.00 test_remove_version_from_href_4 OK 0.00 test_remove_version_from_href_bad_request OK 0.00 test_remove_version_from_href_bad_request_2 OK 0.00 test_remove_version_from_href_bad_request_3 OK 0.00 PaginationParamsTest test_invalid_limit OK 0.00 test_invalid_marker OK 0.00 test_no_params OK 0.00 test_valid_limit OK 0.00 test_valid_limit_and_marker OK 0.00 test_valid_marker OK 0.00 ActionExtensionTest test_extended_action OK 0.18 test_invalid_action OK 0.12 test_invalid_action_body OK 0.16 ExtensionControllerTest test_get_by_alias OK 0.10 test_index OK 0.07 ExtensionManagerTest test_get_resources OK 0.06 test_invalid_extensions OK 0.36 RequestExtensionTest test_get_resources_with_mgr OK 0.19 test_get_resources_with_stub_mgr OK 0.20 ResourceExtensionTest test_get_resources OK 0.02 test_get_resources_with_controller OK 0.02 test_no_extension_present OK 0.08 TestFaults test_400_fault_json OK 0.00 test_400_fault_xml OK 0.00 test_413_fault_json OK 0.00 test_413_fault_xml OK 0.00 test_raise OK 0.00 FlavorsTest test_get_empty_flavor_list_v1_0 OK 0.12 test_get_empty_flavor_list_v1_1 OK 0.18 test_get_flavor_by_id_v1_0 OK 0.38 test_get_flavor_by_id_v1_1 OK 0.19 test_get_flavor_by_invalid_id OK 0.13 test_get_flavor_list_detail_v1_0 OK 0.08 test_get_flavor_list_detail_v1_1 OK 0.19 test_get_flavor_list_v1_0 OK 0.13 test_get_flavor_list_v1_1 OK 0.49 ImageMetaDataTest test_create OK 0.21 test_delete OK 0.18 test_delete_not_found OK 0.18 test_index OK 0.18 test_show OK 0.46 test_show_not_found OK 0.18 test_too_many_metadata_items_on_create OK 0.19 test_too_many_metadata_items_on_put OK 0.19 test_update_item OK 0.19 test_update_item_bad_body OK 0.18 test_update_item_body_uri_mismatch OK 0.49 test_update_item_too_many_keys OK 0.18 ImageMetadataXMLSerializationTest test_create_xml OK 0.00 test_index_xml OK 0.00 test_index_xml_null OK 0.00 test_index_xml_unicode OK 0.00 test_show_xml OK 0.00 test_update_item_xml OK 0.00 GlanceImageServiceTest test_create OK 0.01 test_create_and_show_non_existing_image OK 0.01 test_create_and_show_non_existing_image_by_name OK 0.01 test_create_with_instance_id OK 0.01 test_create_without_instance_id OK 0.01 test_delete OK 0.01 test_detail_limit OK 0.02 test_detail_marker OK 0.02 test_detail_marker_and_limit OK 0.02 test_index OK 0.01 test_index_default_limit OK 0.02 test_index_limit OK 0.02 test_index_marker OK 0.01 test_index_marker_and_limit OK 0.01 test_update OK 0.01 ImageControllerWithGlanceServiceTest test_create_backup_no_backup_type OK 0.18 test_create_backup_no_name OK 0.13 test_create_backup_no_rotation OK 0.17 test_create_backup_with_rotation_and_backup_type OK 0.47 test_create_image OK 0.13 test_create_image_no_server_id OK 0.09 test_create_image_v1_1 OK 0.18 test_create_image_v1_1_actual_server_ref OK 0.19 test_create_image_v1_1_actual_server_ref_port OK 0.50 test_create_image_v1_1_no_server_ref OK 0.19 test_create_image_v1_1_server_ref_bad_hostname OK 0.19 test_create_image_v1_1_server_ref_missing_id OK 0.19 test_create_image_v1_1_server_ref_missing_version OK 0.19 test_create_image_with_invalid_image_type OK 0.18 test_create_snapshot_no_name OK 0.43 test_get_image OK 0.08 test_get_image_404_json OK 0.08 test_get_image_404_v1_1_json OK 0.19 test_get_image_404_v1_1_xml OK 0.18 test_get_image_404_xml OK 0.12 test_get_image_details OK 0.08 test_get_image_details_v1_1 OK 0.49 test_get_image_found OK 0.12 test_get_image_index OK 0.08 test_get_image_index_v1_1 OK 0.19 test_get_image_non_existent OK 0.13 test_get_image_not_owned OK 0.08 test_get_image_v1_1 OK 0.46 test_get_image_xml OK 0.13 test_get_image_xml_no_name OK 0.08 test_image_detail_filter_not_supported OK 0.00 test_image_detail_filter_with_name OK 0.00 test_image_detail_filter_with_property OK 0.00 test_image_detail_filter_with_status OK 0.00 test_image_detail_no_filters OK 0.00 test_image_filter_not_supported OK 0.00 test_image_filter_with_name OK 0.00 test_image_filter_with_property OK 0.00 test_image_filter_with_status OK 0.00 test_image_no_filters OK 0.01 ImageXMLSerializationTest test_create OK 0.01 test_detail OK 0.01 test_index OK 0.00 test_index_zero_images OK 0.01 test_show OK 0.01 test_show_image_no_metadata_key OK 0.01 test_show_no_server OK 0.00 test_show_zero_metadata OK 0.01 LimitMiddlewareTest test_good_request OK 0.00 test_limit_class OK 0.00 test_limited_request_json OK 0.00 test_limited_request_xml OK 0.00 LimitTest test_GET_delay OK 0.00 test_GET_no_delay OK 0.00 LimiterTest test_delay_GET OK 0.00 test_delay_POST OK 0.00 test_delay_PUT OK 0.00 test_delay_PUT_servers OK 0.00 test_delay_PUT_wait OK 0.00 test_multiple_delays OK 0.00 test_multiple_users OK 0.00 test_no_delay_GET OK 0.00 test_no_delay_PUT OK 0.00 test_user_limit OK 0.00 LimitsControllerV10Test test_empty_index_json OK 0.01 test_empty_index_xml OK 0.01 test_index_json OK 0.01 test_index_xml OK 0.01 LimitsControllerV11Test test_empty_index_json OK 0.01 test_index_absolute_cores_json OK 0.01 test_index_absolute_injected_files OK 0.01 test_index_absolute_instances_json OK 0.00 test_index_absolute_metadata_json OK 0.01 test_index_absolute_ram_json OK 0.01 test_index_diff_regex OK 0.01 test_index_ignores_extra_absolute_limits_json OK 0.01 test_index_json OK 0.01 ParseLimitsTest test_bad_rule OK 0.00 test_bad_unit OK 0.00 test_bad_value OK 0.00 test_invalid OK 0.00 test_missing_arg OK 0.00 test_multiple_rules OK 0.00 WsgiLimiterProxyTest test_200 OK 0.00 test_403 OK 0.00 WsgiLimiterTest test_escaping OK 0.00 test_good_url OK 0.00 test_invalid_methods OK 0.00 test_response_to_delays OK 0.00 test_response_to_delays_usernames OK 0.00 ServerMetaDataTest test_create OK 0.19 test_create_empty_body OK 0.18 test_create_nonexistant_server OK 0.47 test_delete OK 0.18 test_delete_nonexistant_server OK 0.18 test_index OK 0.18 test_index_no_data OK 0.18 test_index_nonexistant_server OK 0.18 test_show OK 0.48 test_show_meta_not_found OK 0.18 test_show_nonexistant_server OK 0.18 test_to_many_metadata_items_on_update_item OK 0.18 test_too_many_metadata_items_on_create OK 0.19 test_update_item OK 0.49 test_update_item_body_uri_mismatch OK 0.19 test_update_item_empty_body OK 0.19 test_update_item_nonexistant_server OK 0.18 test_update_item_too_many_keys OK 0.18 ServersTest test_confirm_resize_server OK 0.12 test_confirm_resize_server_fails OK 0.39 test_create_backup_schedules OK 0.08 test_create_instance OK 0.18 test_create_instance_has_uuid OK 0.01 test_create_instance_no_key_pair OK 0.16 test_create_instance_no_name OK 0.09 test_create_instance_nonstring_name OK 0.08 test_create_instance_v1_1 OK 0.27 test_create_instance_v1_1_bad_href OK 0.53 test_create_instance_v1_1_local_href OK 0.28 test_create_instance_via_zones OK 0.24 test_create_instance_via_zones_with_resid OK 0.24 test_create_instance_whitespace_name OK 0.14 test_create_instance_with_admin_pass_v1_0 OK 0.42 test_create_instance_with_admin_pass_v1_1 OK 0.28 test_create_instance_with_empty_admin_pass_v1_1 OK 0.18 test_delete_backup_schedules OK 0.12 test_delete_server_instance OK 0.11 test_delete_server_instance_v1_1 OK 0.20 test_get_all_server_details_v1_0 OK 0.52 test_get_all_server_details_v1_1 OK 0.27 test_get_all_server_details_with_host OK 0.21 test_get_all_server_details_xml_v1_0 OK 0.17 test_get_server_addresses_nonexistant_network_v1_1 OK 0.19 test_get_server_addresses_nonexistant_server_v1_1 OK 0.48 test_get_server_addresses_private_v1_0 OK 0.13 test_get_server_addresses_private_xml_v1_0 OK 0.09 test_get_server_addresses_public_v1_0 OK 0.09 test_get_server_addresses_public_xml_v1_0 OK 0.10 test_get_server_addresses_single_network_v1_1 OK 0.19 test_get_server_addresses_v1_0 OK 0.13 test_get_server_addresses_v1_1 OK 0.46 test_get_server_addresses_xml_v1_0 OK 0.14 test_get_server_backup_schedule OK 0.08 test_get_server_backup_schedules OK 0.08 test_get_server_by_id OK 0.10 test_get_server_by_id_v1_1 OK 0.21 test_get_server_by_id_with_addresses OK 0.15 test_get_server_by_id_with_addresses_v1_1 OK 0.49 test_get_server_by_id_with_addresses_xml OK 0.14 test_get_server_by_uuid OK 0.11 test_get_server_list OK 0.15 test_get_server_list_v1_1 OK 0.26 test_get_server_list_with_reservation_id OK 0.68 test_get_server_list_with_reservation_id_details OK 0.34 test_get_server_list_with_reservation_id_empty OK 0.08 test_get_servers_with_bad_limit OK 0.15 test_get_servers_with_bad_marker OK 0.42 test_get_servers_with_bad_offset OK 0.19 test_get_servers_with_limit OK 0.58 test_get_servers_with_limit_and_marker OK 0.24 test_get_servers_with_limit_and_offset OK 0.20 test_get_servers_with_marker OK 0.25 test_get_servers_with_offset OK 0.60 test_migrate_server OK 0.07 test_rescue_accepted OK 0.17 test_rescue_raises_handled OK 0.18 test_resize_bad_flavor_fails OK 0.12 test_resize_raises_fails OK 0.40 test_resize_server OK 0.10 test_resize_server_v11 OK 0.19 test_resized_server_has_correct_status OK 0.13 test_revert_resize_server OK 0.07 test_revert_resize_server_fails OK 0.08 test_server_actions OK 0.08 test_server_backup_schedule_deprecated_v1_1 OK 0.50 test_server_change_password OK 0.13 test_server_change_password_bad_request_v1_1 OK 0.18 test_server_change_password_empty_string_v1_1 OK 0.18 test_server_change_password_none_v1_1 OK 0.18 test_server_change_password_not_a_string_v1_1 OK 0.19 test_server_change_password_v1_1 OK 0.44 test_server_change_password_xml OK 0.00 test_server_diagnostics OK 0.14 test_server_inject_network_info OK 0.19 test_server_pause OK 0.18 test_server_reboot OK 0.14 test_server_rebuild_accepted OK 0.44 test_server_rebuild_accepted_minimum_v1_1 OK 0.26 test_server_rebuild_accepted_with_bad_metadata_v1_1 OK 0.20 test_server_rebuild_accepted_with_metadata_v1_1 OK 0.24 test_server_rebuild_bad_entity OK 0.14 test_server_rebuild_bad_entity_v1_1 OK 0.21 test_server_rebuild_bad_personality_v1_1 OK 0.53 test_server_rebuild_personality_v1_1 OK 0.25 test_server_rebuild_rejected_when_building OK 0.15 test_server_rebuild_rejected_when_building_v1_1 OK 0.22 test_server_reset_network OK 0.21 test_server_resume OK 0.50 test_server_suspend OK 0.19 test_server_unpause OK 0.19 test_shutdown_status OK 0.16 test_shutoff_status OK 0.10 test_update_nonstring_name OK 0.08 test_update_null_name OK 0.38 test_update_server_adminPass_ignored_v1_1 OK 0.18 test_update_server_name_v1_1 OK 0.20 test_update_server_no_body OK 0.13 test_update_server_no_body_v1_1 OK 0.08 test_update_server_v1_0 OK 0.08 test_update_whitespace_name OK 0.08 TestGetKernelRamdiskFromImage test_ami_kernel_ramdisk_present OK 0.00 test_ami_no_kernel OK 0.00 test_ami_no_ramdisk OK 0.00 test_not_ami OK 0.00 test_status_not_active OK 0.00 TestServerCreateRequestXMLDeserializer test_canonical_request_from_docs OK 0.00 test_minimal_request OK 0.00 test_request_second_personality_node_ignored OK 0.00 test_request_with_empty_metadata OK 0.00 test_request_with_empty_metadata_and_personality OK 0.00 test_request_with_empty_metadata_and_personality_reversed OK 0.00 test_request_with_empty_personality OK 0.01 test_request_with_metadata_duplicate_key OK 0.00 test_request_with_metadata_missing_key OK 0.00 test_request_with_metadata_missing_value OK 0.00 test_request_with_one_metadata OK 0.00 test_request_with_one_personality OK 0.00 test_request_with_one_personality_empty_contents OK 0.00 test_request_with_one_personality_empty_contents_variation OK 0.00 test_request_with_one_personality_missing_path OK 0.00 test_request_with_two_metadata OK 0.00 test_request_with_two_metadata_missing_key OK 0.00 test_request_with_two_metadata_missing_value OK 0.00 test_request_with_two_personalities OK 0.00 test_request_xmlser_with_flavor_image_href OK 0.00 TestServerInstanceCreation test_create_instance_admin_pass_json OK 0.41 test_create_instance_admin_pass_xml OK 0.09 test_create_instance_personality_empty_content OK 0.10 test_create_instance_with_no_personality OK 0.10 test_create_instance_with_no_personality_xml OK 0.09 test_create_instance_with_null_personality OK 0.09 test_create_instance_with_personality OK 0.09 test_create_instance_with_personality_no_contents OK 0.08 test_create_instance_with_personality_no_path OK 0.36 test_create_instance_with_personality_not_a_list OK 0.07 test_create_instance_with_personality_with_non_b64_content OK 0.08 test_create_instance_with_personality_xml OK 0.09 test_create_instance_with_three_personalities OK 0.10 SharedIpGroupsTest test_create_shared_ip_group OK 0.08 test_delete_shared_ip_group OK 0.08 test_deprecated_v11 OK 0.52 test_get_shared_ip_groups OK 0.13 test_update_shared_ip_group OK 0.07 UsersTest test_get_user_by_id OK 0.18 test_get_user_list OK 0.18 test_user_create OK 0.17 test_user_delete OK 0.86 test_user_update OK 0.18 VersionsTest test_generate_href OK 0.00 test_get_version_list OK 0.06 test_get_version_list_xml OK 0.35 test_view_builder OK 0.00 ActionDispatcherTest test_dispatch OK 0.00 test_dispatch_action_None OK 0.00 test_dispatch_default OK 0.00 DictSerializerTest test_dispatch_default OK 0.00 JSONDeserializerTest test_json OK 0.00 JSONDictSerializerTest test_json OK 0.00 RequestDeserializerTest test_deserialize OK 0.00 test_get_action_args OK 0.00 test_get_deserializer OK 0.00 test_get_deserializer_unknown_content_type OK 0.00 test_get_expected_content_type OK 0.00 RequestHeadersDeserializerTest test_custom OK 0.00 test_default OK 0.00 RequestTest test_content_type_accept_and_query_extension OK 0.00 test_content_type_accept_default OK 0.00 test_content_type_from_accept_xml OK 0.00 test_content_type_from_query_extension OK 0.00 test_content_type_missing OK 0.00 test_content_type_unsupported OK 0.00 test_content_type_with_charset OK 0.00 ResourceTest test_dispatch OK 0.00 test_dispatch_unknown_controller_action OK 0.00 ResponseHeadersSerializerTest test_custom OK 0.00 test_default OK 0.00 ResponseSerializerTest test_get_serializer OK 0.00 test_get_serializer_unknown_content_type OK 0.00 test_serialize_response OK 0.00 test_serialize_response_dict_to_unknown_content_type OK 0.00 TextDeserializerTest test_dispatch_default OK 0.00 XMLDeserializerTest test_xml OK 0.00 test_xml_empty OK 0.00 XMLDictSerializerTest test_xml OK 0.00 ZonesTest test_get_zone_by_id OK 0.18 test_get_zone_list_db OK 0.18 test_get_zone_list_scheduler OK 0.17 test_zone_create OK 0.18 test_zone_delete OK 0.50 test_zone_info OK 0.18 test_zone_select OK 0.18 test_zone_update OK 0.18 Test test_debug OK 0.00 test_router OK 0.01 TestGetterDateTimeNoneTests test_detail_handles_blank_datetimes OK 0.00 test_detail_handles_none_datetimes OK 0.00 test_detail_makes_datetimes OK 0.00 test_get_handles_blank_datetimes OK 0.00 test_get_handles_none_datetimes OK 0.00 test_get_makes_datetimes OK 0.00 test_show_handles_blank_datetimes OK 0.00 test_show_handles_none_datetimes OK 0.00 test_show_makes_datetimes OK 0.00 TestGlanceImageServiceProperties test_detail_passes_through_to_client OK 0.00 test_show_passes_through_to_client OK 0.00 TestMutatorDateTimeTests test_create_handles_datetimes OK 0.00 test_create_handles_none_datetimes OK 0.00 test_update_handles_datetimes OK 0.00 test_update_handles_none_datetimes OK 0.00 TestS3ImageService test_s3_create OK 0.01 ExtensionsTest test_get_foxnsocks OK 0.74 LoginTest test_bad_login_both_bad OK 0.32 test_bad_login_password OK 0.30 test_bad_login_username OK 0.29 test_login OK 0.41 ServersTest test_create_and_delete_server OK 2.20 test_create_and_rebuild_server OK 2.19 test_create_and_rebuild_server_with_metadata OK 5.30 test_create_and_rebuild_server_with_metadata_removal OK 2.46 test_create_server_with_metadata OK 2.30 test_get_servers OK 0.51 test_rename_server OK 2.17 VolumesTest test_attach_and_detach_volume OK 5.03 test_create_and_delete_volume OK 2.81 test_get_volumes OK 0.39 test_get_volumes_summary OK 0.48 XmlTests test_namespace_limits OK 0.96 test_namespace_servers OK 0.54 HostFilterTestCase test_all_host_filter OK 0.00 test_choose_filter OK 0.00 test_instance_type_filter OK 0.00 test_instance_type_filter_extra_specs OK 0.00 test_json_filter OK 0.00 LeastCostSchedulerTestCase test_compute_fill_first_cost_fn OK 0.00 test_cost_fn_weights OK 0.00 test_no_hosts OK 0.00 test_noop_cost_fn OK 0.00 WeightedSumTestCase test_basic_costing OK 0.00 test_empty_domain OK 0.00 CallZoneMethodTest test_call_zone_method OK 0.00 test_call_zone_method_generates_exception OK 0.04 test_call_zone_method_not_present OK 0.00 DynamicNovaClientTest test_issue_novaclient_command_found OK 0.00 test_issue_novaclient_command_not_found OK 0.00 SchedulerTestCase test_fallback OK 0.00 test_named_method OK 0.00 test_show_host_resources_host_not_exit OK 0.01 test_show_host_resources_no_project OK 0.09 test_show_host_resources_works_correctly OK 0.13 SimpleDriverTestCase test_doesnt_report_disabled_hosts_as_up OK 0.21 test_least_busy_host_gets_instance OK 1.59 test_least_busy_host_gets_volume OK 0.39 test_live_migration_common_check_checking_cpuinfo_fail OK 0.27 test_live_migration_common_check_service_different_hypervisorOK 0.24 test_live_migration_common_check_service_different_version OK 0.25 test_live_migration_common_check_service_orig_not_exists OK 0.20 test_live_migration_dest_check_not_alive OK 0.21 test_live_migration_dest_check_service_lack_memory OK 0.22 test_live_migration_dest_check_service_same_host OK 0.20 test_live_migration_dest_check_service_works_correctly OK 0.21 test_live_migration_src_check_compute_node_not_alive OK 0.20 test_live_migration_src_check_instance_not_running OK 0.14 test_live_migration_src_check_volume_node_not_alive OK 0.70 test_live_migration_src_check_works_correctly OK 0.19 test_reports_enabled_hosts_as_up OK 0.16 test_scheduler_live_migration_with_volume OK 0.40 test_specific_host_gets_instance OK 1.12 test_too_many_cores OK 8.67 test_too_many_gigabytes OK 1.27 test_will_schedule_on_disabled_host_if_specified OK 0.29 test_wont_sechedule_if_specified_host_is_down OK 0.23 ZoneRedirectTest test_get_collection_context_and_id OK 0.00 test_routing_flags OK 0.00 test_trap_found_locally OK 0.00 test_trap_not_found_locally_id_passed OK 0.00 test_trap_not_found_locally_uuid_passed OK 0.00 test_unmarshal_single_server OK 0.00 ZoneSchedulerTestCase test_with_two_zones OK 0.01 ZoneAwareSchedulerTestCase test_adjust_child_weights OK 0.00 test_empty_zone_aware_scheduler OK 0.00 test_provision_resource_from_blob_empty OK 0.00 test_provision_resource_from_blob_with_child_blob OK 0.00 test_provision_resource_from_blob_with_immediate_child_blob OK 0.00 test_provision_resource_from_blob_with_local_blob OK 0.00 test_provision_resource_local OK 0.00 test_provision_resource_remote OK 0.00 test_schedule_do_not_schedule_with_hint OK 0.00 test_zone_aware_scheduler OK 0.00 AccessTestCase test_001_allow_all OK 0.32 test_002_allow_none OK 0.29 test_003_allow_project_manager OK 0.28 test_004_allow_sys_and_net OK 0.32 AdminApiTestCase test_block_external_ips OK 0.70 test_list_blocked_ips OK 1.21 test_remove_ip_block OK 0.72 ApiEc2TestCase test_authorize_revoke_security_group_cidr OK 0.95 test_authorize_revoke_security_group_cidr_v6 OK 0.55 test_authorize_revoke_security_group_foreign_group OK 0.70 test_create_delete_security_group OK 0.29 test_create_duplicate_key_pair OK 0.45 test_describe_instances OK 0.15 test_get_all_key_pairs OK 0.38 test_get_all_security_groups OK 0.77 test_return_valid_isoformat OK 0.01 test_terminate_invalid_instance OK 0.16 test_xmlns_version_matches_request_version OK 0.13 Ec2utilsTestCase test_bad_ec2_id OK 0.00 test_dict_from_dotted_str OK 0.00 test_ec2_id_to_id OK 0.00 test_id_to_ec2_id OK 0.00 test_mapping_prepend_dev OK 0.00 test_properties_root_defice_name OK 0.00 XmlConversionTestCase test_number_conversion OK 0.00 AuthManagerDbTestCase test_004_signature_is_valid OK 0.14 test_005_can_get_credentials OK 0.00 test_add_user_role_doesnt_infect_project_roles OK 0.10 test_adding_role_to_project_is_ignored_unless_added_to_user OK 0.12 test_can_add_and_remove_user_role OK 0.07 test_can_add_remove_user_with_role OK 0.21 test_can_add_user_to_project OK 0.14 test_can_create_and_get_project OK 0.10 test_can_create_and_get_project_with_attributes OK 0.08 test_can_create_project_with_manager OK 0.08 test_can_delete_project OK 0.10 test_can_delete_user OK 0.03 test_can_generate_x509 OK 0.53 test_can_list_project_roles OK 0.14 test_can_list_projects OK 0.15 test_can_list_user_roles OK 0.09 test_can_list_users OK 0.06 test_can_modify_project OK 0.20 test_can_modify_users OK 0.04 test_can_remove_project_role_but_keep_user_role OK 0.12 test_can_remove_user_from_project OK 0.19 test_can_remove_user_roles OK 0.10 test_can_retrieve_project_by_user OK 0.09 test_create_and_find_user OK 0.03 test_create_and_find_with_properties OK 0.03 test_create_project_assigns_manager_to_members OK 0.08 test_modify_project_adds_new_manager OK 0.17 test_no_extra_project_managers OK 0.11 test_no_extra_project_members OK 0.10 test_removing_user_role_hides_it_from_project OK 0.12 AuthManagerLdapTestCase test_004_signature_is_valid OK 0.10 test_005_can_get_credentials OK 0.00 test_add_user_role_doesnt_infect_project_roles OK 0.02 test_adding_role_to_project_is_ignored_unless_added_to_user OK 0.02 test_can_add_and_remove_user_role OK 0.02 test_can_add_remove_user_with_role OK 0.04 test_can_add_user_to_project OK 0.03 test_can_create_and_get_project OK 0.02 test_can_create_and_get_project_with_attributes OK 0.01 test_can_create_project_with_manager OK 0.01 test_can_delete_project OK 0.01 test_can_delete_user OK 0.01 test_can_generate_x509 OK 0.41 test_can_list_project_roles OK 0.03 test_can_list_projects OK 0.02 test_can_list_user_roles OK 0.02 test_can_list_users OK 0.02 test_can_modify_project OK 0.03 test_can_modify_users OK 0.01 test_can_remove_project_role_but_keep_user_role OK 0.04 test_can_remove_user_from_project OK 0.04 test_can_remove_user_roles OK 0.02 test_can_retrieve_project_by_user OK 0.02 test_create_and_find_user OK 0.01 test_create_and_find_with_properties OK 0.01 test_create_project_assigns_manager_to_members OK 0.01 test_modify_project_adds_new_manager OK 0.04 test_no_extra_project_managers OK 0.03 test_no_extra_project_members OK 0.03 test_reconnect_on_server_failure OK 0.00 test_removing_user_role_hides_it_from_project OK 0.03 BlockDeviceMappingEc2CloudTestCase test_format_block_device_mapping OK 0.00 test_format_mapping OK 0.00 test_parse_block_device_mapping OK 0.00 CloudTestCase test_ajax_console OK 2.47 test_allocate_address SKIP: Skipping this pending future merge -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:49:56,708 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,717 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,717 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,718 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,718 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,718 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,718 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.04aba5e24b52464fbb1e0d49508755ae from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,719 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.04aba5e24b52464fbb1e0d49508755ae from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,719 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.04aba5e24b52464fbb1e0d49508755ae to nova with key compute.04aba5e24b52464fbb1e0d49508755ae from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,719 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,719 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,720 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_2fe0f37a99b147fdad4188255d5fa64c from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,720 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,721 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_2fe0f37a99b147fdad4188255d5fa64c to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,721 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,731 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,731 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,731 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,732 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,732 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.c7d8dad3645b42faa0e8629b6e5d7292 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,732 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.c7d8dad3645b42faa0e8629b6e5d7292 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,732 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.c7d8dad3645b42faa0e8629b6e5d7292 to nova with key scheduler.c7d8dad3645b42faa0e8629b6e5d7292 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,733 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,733 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,733 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_957892ad2a2748a4be135a59dfc0ff15 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,733 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,733 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_957892ad2a2748a4be135a59dfc0ff15 to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,734 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,734 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,734 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,735 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,735 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,735 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,736 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,736 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,736 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,737 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,768 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,768 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,769 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,769 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,769 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,770 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,770 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,770 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,780 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,781 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,781 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,781 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,782 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.09fcfa4a5b7a44e49fa8f8667337707e from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,782 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.09fcfa4a5b7a44e49fa8f8667337707e from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,782 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.09fcfa4a5b7a44e49fa8f8667337707e to nova with key network.09fcfa4a5b7a44e49fa8f8667337707e from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,782 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,783 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,783 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_112e167666d144afa5b6c6f12dc2e93b from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,783 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,783 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_112e167666d144afa5b6c6f12dc2e93b to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,784 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,800 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,810 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,810 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,811 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,811 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,811 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.685aa8d4fc544689852601dee562c1e3 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,811 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.685aa8d4fc544689852601dee562c1e3 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,812 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.685aa8d4fc544689852601dee562c1e3 to nova with key volume.685aa8d4fc544689852601dee562c1e3 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,812 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,812 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,812 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_34904658cd3b45369ef8b6bfb8c4cede from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,813 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,813 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_34904658cd3b45369ef8b6bfb8c4cede to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,815 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,816 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,816 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,817 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_associate_disassociate_address SKIP: Skipping this pending future merge -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:49:56,905 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,914 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,915 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,915 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,915 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,915 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,916 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.491ad7f824bd485288106ba4fd86a7f2 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,916 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.491ad7f824bd485288106ba4fd86a7f2 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,916 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.491ad7f824bd485288106ba4fd86a7f2 to nova with key compute.491ad7f824bd485288106ba4fd86a7f2 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,916 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,917 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,917 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_58671bb2576845f4b1b0354b27ff5f80 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,917 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,917 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_58671bb2576845f4b1b0354b27ff5f80 to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,918 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,926 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,926 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,926 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,927 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,927 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.eff52e4287944b34b081fe923b4953fb from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,927 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.eff52e4287944b34b081fe923b4953fb from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,927 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.eff52e4287944b34b081fe923b4953fb to nova with key scheduler.eff52e4287944b34b081fe923b4953fb from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,928 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,928 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,928 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_40bfd519838a4b63b799d516d80798c9 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,928 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,929 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_40bfd519838a4b63b799d516d80798c9 to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,929 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,929 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,929 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,930 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,930 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,930 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,931 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,932 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,932 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,933 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,955 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,956 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,956 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,956 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,956 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,957 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,957 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,958 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,968 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,968 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,968 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,969 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,969 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.458f7028dcc44d16bdcd5c5a329b5eaf from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,969 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.458f7028dcc44d16bdcd5c5a329b5eaf from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,969 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.458f7028dcc44d16bdcd5c5a329b5eaf to nova with key network.458f7028dcc44d16bdcd5c5a329b5eaf from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,970 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,970 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,970 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_4a9ebec0546c4b0dbaa3ab815a68c4e1 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,970 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,971 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_4a9ebec0546c4b0dbaa3ab815a68c4e1 to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,971 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:49:56,987 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,996 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,997 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,997 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,997 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,998 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.6767ac0b3a8646dcb23651907bf48028 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,998 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.6767ac0b3a8646dcb23651907bf48028 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,998 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.6767ac0b3a8646dcb23651907bf48028 to nova with key volume.6767ac0b3a8646dcb23651907bf48028 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,998 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:49:56,999 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,999 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_418925b188024bb68dc1267e99dd347a from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,999 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:56,999 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_418925b188024bb68dc1267e99dd347a to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:49:57,000 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:49:57,002 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:49:57,002 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:49:57,002 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_authorize_revoke_security_group_ingress OK 0.36 test_authorize_revoke_security_group_ingress_by_id OK 0.72 test_authorize_security_group_ingress_already_exists OK 0.30 test_authorize_security_group_ingress_missing_group_name_or_idOK 0.17 test_authorize_security_group_ingress_missing_protocol_paramsOK 0.24 test_console_output OK 1.71 test_create_delete_security_group OK 0.72 test_create_image OK 6.94 test_create_snapshot OK 0.44 test_create_volume_from_snapshot OK 0.47 test_delete_key_pair OK 0.49 test_delete_security_group_by_id OK 0.26 test_delete_security_group_no_params OK 0.83 test_delete_security_group_with_bad_group_id OK 0.21 test_delete_security_group_with_bad_name OK 0.24 test_delete_snapshot OK 0.44 test_deregister_image OK 0.20 test_deregister_image_wrong_container_type OK 0.19 test_describe_addresses OK 0.53 test_describe_availability_zones OK 0.24 test_describe_image_attribute OK 0.19 test_describe_image_attribute_block_device_mapping OK 0.20 test_describe_image_attribute_root_device_name OK 0.19 test_describe_image_mapping OK 0.20 test_describe_images OK 0.20 test_describe_instances OK 0.38 test_describe_instances_bdm OK 1.81 test_describe_key_pairs OK 0.75 test_describe_regions OK 0.25 test_describe_security_groups OK 0.37 test_describe_security_groups_by_id OK 0.37 test_describe_snapshots SKIP: EC2 stuff needs fixed_ip in instance_ref -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:17,735 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:17,744 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,744 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,745 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,745 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,745 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,745 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.59cc163b7d3744e0afb16050c2276420 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,746 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.59cc163b7d3744e0afb16050c2276420 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,746 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.59cc163b7d3744e0afb16050c2276420 to nova with key compute.59cc163b7d3744e0afb16050c2276420 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,746 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:17,746 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,747 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_77d76bae5ac2446c85daeb8afa0401e7 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,747 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,747 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_77d76bae5ac2446c85daeb8afa0401e7 to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,748 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:17,772 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,773 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,773 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,773 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,774 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.f2f0cc7c58c04932b9b44461d11c8bf0 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,774 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.f2f0cc7c58c04932b9b44461d11c8bf0 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,774 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.f2f0cc7c58c04932b9b44461d11c8bf0 to nova with key scheduler.f2f0cc7c58c04932b9b44461d11c8bf0 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,774 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:17,774 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,775 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_38e1e781c2a24b36ad3303f8a2a5a147 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,775 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,775 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_38e1e781c2a24b36ad3303f8a2a5a147 to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,776 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:17,776 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,776 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,777 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,777 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,777 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,778 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,778 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,779 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,779 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,807 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,807 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,808 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,809 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,809 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,811 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,811 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,812 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,839 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,839 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,840 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,840 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,840 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.79df8305a2694a3e8e72047f45ee0155 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,841 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.79df8305a2694a3e8e72047f45ee0155 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,842 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.79df8305a2694a3e8e72047f45ee0155 to nova with key network.79df8305a2694a3e8e72047f45ee0155 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,843 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:17,843 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,844 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_75710531342340e889239435589c751c from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,844 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,845 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_75710531342340e889239435589c751c to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,846 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:17,871 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,884 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,884 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,885 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,885 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,885 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.c1ba8a5dd93a45a49c78d1f184b5b15a from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,885 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.c1ba8a5dd93a45a49c78d1f184b5b15a from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,886 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.c1ba8a5dd93a45a49c78d1f184b5b15a to nova with key volume.c1ba8a5dd93a45a49c78d1f184b5b15a from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,886 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:17,886 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,886 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_7caaccb15a9d46139bd0097b10395abc from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,887 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,887 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_7caaccb15a9d46139bd0097b10395abc to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,888 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:50:17,889 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,892 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:17,892 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_describe_volumes OK 0.29 test_format_instance_bdm OK 1.83 test_import_public_key OK 0.39 test_key_generation OK 0.55 test_modify_image_attribute OK 0.22 test_release_address OK 0.45 test_release_address_still_associated OK 0.20 test_revoke_security_group_ingress_missing_group_name_or_id OK 0.20 test_run_instances OK 0.61 test_run_instances_image_state_invalid OK 0.27 test_run_instances_image_state_none OK 0.21 test_run_instances_image_status_active OK 1.82 test_run_with_snapshot SKIP: skipping, test is hanging with multinic for rpc reasons -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:25,045 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,056 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,056 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,056 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,057 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,057 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,057 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.8a5b2cabe3884c02b28639a3cb6b86bd from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,058 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.8a5b2cabe3884c02b28639a3cb6b86bd from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,058 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.8a5b2cabe3884c02b28639a3cb6b86bd to nova with key compute.8a5b2cabe3884c02b28639a3cb6b86bd from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,058 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,058 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,058 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_cb950f7bb1764ee2ad8297b7e5087038 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,059 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,059 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_cb950f7bb1764ee2ad8297b7e5087038 to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,060 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,070 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,071 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,071 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,071 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,072 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.3440a4f5540448e68ba479725753fffd from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,072 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.3440a4f5540448e68ba479725753fffd from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,072 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.3440a4f5540448e68ba479725753fffd to nova with key scheduler.3440a4f5540448e68ba479725753fffd from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,073 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,073 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,073 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_df5af529d5dd4d118f08a4e5892d274b from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,073 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,074 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_df5af529d5dd4d118f08a4e5892d274b to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,074 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,074 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,075 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,075 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,075 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,076 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,077 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,077 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,077 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,078 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,101 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,101 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,101 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,102 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,102 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,104 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,104 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,104 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,115 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,116 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,116 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,116 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,117 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.d37a6a7881e84c4c9e69b035a09f9d95 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,117 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.d37a6a7881e84c4c9e69b035a09f9d95 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,117 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.d37a6a7881e84c4c9e69b035a09f9d95 to nova with key network.d37a6a7881e84c4c9e69b035a09f9d95 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,118 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,118 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,118 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_228ba06a32864cc1802df0a0f9e79eab from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,118 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,119 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_228ba06a32864cc1802df0a0f9e79eab to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,119 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,138 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,149 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,149 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,150 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,150 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,150 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.dc1d527c1a3f44b589c36ffa25516a7e from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,151 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.dc1d527c1a3f44b589c36ffa25516a7e from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,151 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.dc1d527c1a3f44b589c36ffa25516a7e to nova with key volume.dc1d527c1a3f44b589c36ffa25516a7e from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,151 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,152 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,152 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_738877d591a7448abcb3bbaf28f45ddc from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,153 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,153 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_738877d591a7448abcb3bbaf28f45ddc to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,154 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,156 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,156 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,156 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_stop_start_instance SKIP: skipping, test is hanging with multinic for rpc reasons -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:25,251 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,259 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,260 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,260 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,260 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,261 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,261 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.56be8c11068947339e91a383ab731c35 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,261 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.56be8c11068947339e91a383ab731c35 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,261 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.56be8c11068947339e91a383ab731c35 to nova with key compute.56be8c11068947339e91a383ab731c35 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,262 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,262 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,262 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_bc34ffa2af6543d8956fb0c4dcb0fa3b from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,262 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,263 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_bc34ffa2af6543d8956fb0c4dcb0fa3b to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,263 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,273 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,273 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,273 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,274 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,274 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.4e42d9c37b40406db8f1a60ab6a7f465 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,274 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.4e42d9c37b40406db8f1a60ab6a7f465 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,274 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.4e42d9c37b40406db8f1a60ab6a7f465 to nova with key scheduler.4e42d9c37b40406db8f1a60ab6a7f465 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,275 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,275 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,275 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_acc05ab0144b4d03a8aee1f49177cb1f from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,275 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,276 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_acc05ab0144b4d03a8aee1f49177cb1f to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,276 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,276 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,277 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,277 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,277 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,277 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,279 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,279 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,279 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,280 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,303 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,303 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,304 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,304 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,304 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,306 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,306 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,306 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,316 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,316 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,316 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,317 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,317 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.be45d5f3e63242d0a8c533f0603e5410 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,317 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.be45d5f3e63242d0a8c533f0603e5410 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,317 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.be45d5f3e63242d0a8c533f0603e5410 to nova with key network.be45d5f3e63242d0a8c533f0603e5410 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,318 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,318 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,318 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_506eb48f3a7144cc8d40e89a00d24718 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,318 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,318 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_506eb48f3a7144cc8d40e89a00d24718 to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,319 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,342 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,353 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,353 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,353 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,354 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,354 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.4282b7b04e5c433995594d87c96cd627 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,354 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.4282b7b04e5c433995594d87c96cd627 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,354 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.4282b7b04e5c433995594d87c96cd627 to nova with key volume.4282b7b04e5c433995594d87c96cd627 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,355 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,355 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,355 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_04f85973bbf547d08e27998736edde8b from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,355 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,356 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_04f85973bbf547d08e27998736edde8b to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,357 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,358 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,359 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,359 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_stop_start_with_volume SKIP: skipping, test is hanging with multinic for rpc reasons -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:25,447 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,456 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,456 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,456 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,457 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,457 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,457 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.8933bab8fc9a48978d5b9960c9d704cb from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,457 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.8933bab8fc9a48978d5b9960c9d704cb from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,458 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.8933bab8fc9a48978d5b9960c9d704cb to nova with key compute.8933bab8fc9a48978d5b9960c9d704cb from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,458 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,458 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,458 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_ca043ee382374a3e926343c3161c316f from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,459 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,459 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_ca043ee382374a3e926343c3161c316f to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,459 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,468 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,468 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,468 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,469 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,469 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.737b0c245a004523b92b9ab8f98de1e7 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,469 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.737b0c245a004523b92b9ab8f98de1e7 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,469 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.737b0c245a004523b92b9ab8f98de1e7 to nova with key scheduler.737b0c245a004523b92b9ab8f98de1e7 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,470 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,470 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,470 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_32e4fadc26f447ab801ae10ab41d88f3 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,470 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,471 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_32e4fadc26f447ab801ae10ab41d88f3 to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,471 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,471 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,472 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,472 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,472 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,472 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,474 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,474 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,474 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,475 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,498 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,498 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,498 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,499 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,499 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,500 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,501 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,501 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,509 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,510 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,510 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,510 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,511 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.736a63ab1d9a4b27b6e445e2dbc64ee3 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,511 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.736a63ab1d9a4b27b6e445e2dbc64ee3 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,511 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.736a63ab1d9a4b27b6e445e2dbc64ee3 to nova with key network.736a63ab1d9a4b27b6e445e2dbc64ee3 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,511 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,512 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,512 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_2adf1c9535d24f2681c70ec847bc42d3 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,512 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,512 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_2adf1c9535d24f2681c70ec847bc42d3 to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,513 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,528 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,536 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,537 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,537 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,537 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,537 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.fa546b67d8a94332a48ad792f964ba71 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,538 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.fa546b67d8a94332a48ad792f964ba71 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,538 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.fa546b67d8a94332a48ad792f964ba71 to nova with key volume.fa546b67d8a94332a48ad792f964ba71 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,538 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,538 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,539 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_6ee29327b27a42df93fab156ea6a6b4d from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,539 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,539 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_6ee29327b27a42df93fab156ea6a6b4d to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,540 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,541 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,542 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,542 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_stop_with_attached_volume SKIP: skipping, test is hanging with multinic for rpc reasons -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:25,675 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,684 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,685 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,685 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,685 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,685 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,686 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.edb80631d5ea4cb6a0f27df0b4bfbe25 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,686 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.edb80631d5ea4cb6a0f27df0b4bfbe25 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,686 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.edb80631d5ea4cb6a0f27df0b4bfbe25 to nova with key compute.edb80631d5ea4cb6a0f27df0b4bfbe25 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,686 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,687 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,687 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_73e84457b7f4410aa9caa6525341ed10 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,687 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,687 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_73e84457b7f4410aa9caa6525341ed10 to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,689 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,697 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,697 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,698 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,698 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,698 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.3384f58a3d2d421dad94f95949230763 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,698 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.3384f58a3d2d421dad94f95949230763 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,699 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.3384f58a3d2d421dad94f95949230763 to nova with key scheduler.3384f58a3d2d421dad94f95949230763 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,699 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,699 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,699 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_616597d825a6442690a54b872904f6ac from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,700 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,700 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_616597d825a6442690a54b872904f6ac to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,700 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,701 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,701 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,701 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,701 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,702 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,703 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,703 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,703 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,704 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,726 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,727 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,727 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,727 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,728 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,729 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,730 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,730 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,739 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,740 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,740 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,741 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,741 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.de5e0e42ebe84512b829eb3fda5888c0 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,741 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.de5e0e42ebe84512b829eb3fda5888c0 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,741 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.de5e0e42ebe84512b829eb3fda5888c0 to nova with key network.de5e0e42ebe84512b829eb3fda5888c0 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,742 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,742 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,742 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_124388f3ed064309998f085826d517d5 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,742 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,743 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_124388f3ed064309998f085826d517d5 to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,743 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,768 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,777 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,778 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,778 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,778 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,779 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.381ebac8dc364964a39c640963a6e2aa from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,779 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.381ebac8dc364964a39c640963a6e2aa from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,779 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.381ebac8dc364964a39c640963a6e2aa to nova with key volume.381ebac8dc364964a39c640963a6e2aa from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,780 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:25,780 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,780 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_6f44b7ac4cde40748bb76578717bdafa from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,780 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,780 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_6f44b7ac4cde40748bb76578717bdafa to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,782 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:50:25,783 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,784 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:25,784 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_terminate_instances OK 0.59 test_update_of_instance_display_fields OK 0.34 test_update_of_instance_wont_update_private_fields SKIP: EC2 stuff needs mac_address in instance_ref -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:26,808 AUDIT nova [-] Starting compute node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:26,819 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,819 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,819 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,820 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange nova from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,820 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute to nova with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,820 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute.773a4088fc714bd1acb830abf1e8a57f from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,820 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute.773a4088fc714bd1acb830abf1e8a57f from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,821 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute.773a4088fc714bd1acb830abf1e8a57f to nova with key compute.773a4088fc714bd1acb830abf1e8a57f from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,821 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "compute_fanout" fanout exchange with "compute" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:26,821 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for compute from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,821 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue compute_fanout_a4e0da7a877746e6b1ffa2ed02786cd7 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,822 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange compute_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,822 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding compute_fanout_a4e0da7a877746e6b1ffa2ed02786cd7 to compute_fanout with key compute from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,823 AUDIT nova [-] Starting scheduler node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:26,832 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,833 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,833 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,833 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler to nova with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,834 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler.d9cadf1c7a47483390161e4fda6c9bcf from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,834 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler.d9cadf1c7a47483390161e4fda6c9bcf from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,834 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler.d9cadf1c7a47483390161e4fda6c9bcf to nova with key scheduler.d9cadf1c7a47483390161e4fda6c9bcf from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,834 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "scheduler_fanout" fanout exchange with "scheduler" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:26,835 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for scheduler from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,835 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue scheduler_fanout_b249c323eb6f4ecbbaccdb6f00b8b79f from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,836 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange scheduler_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,836 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding scheduler_fanout_b249c323eb6f4ecbbaccdb6f00b8b79f to scheduler_fanout with key scheduler from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,836 AUDIT nova [-] Starting network node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:26,837 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,837 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,837 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,838 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,838 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,839 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,840 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,840 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,840 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip addr add scope link dev lo from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,865 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,865 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab file lock "iptables" for method "apply"... from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,865 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,866 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,866 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-save -t nat from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,867 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo iptables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,867 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-save -t filter from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,868 DEBUG nova.linux_net [-] FAKE NET: sudo ip6tables-restore from (pid=3733) _execute /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/network/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,876 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,877 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,877 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,877 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network to nova with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,878 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network.d064de7734ec4b7a9544e939088d4283 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,878 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network.d064de7734ec4b7a9544e939088d4283 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,878 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network.d064de7734ec4b7a9544e939088d4283 to nova with key network.d064de7734ec4b7a9544e939088d4283 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,878 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "network_fanout" fanout exchange with "network" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:26,879 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for network from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,879 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue network_fanout_36b55f0e694241ecbaa38174a977c06d from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,879 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange network_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,879 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding network_fanout_36b55f0e694241ecbaa38174a977c06d to network_fanout with key network from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,880 AUDIT nova [-] Starting volume node (version 2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION) 2011-07-20 16:50:26,895 DEBUG nova.volume.manager [-] Re-exporting 0 volumes from (pid=3733) init_host /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/volume/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,904 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service volume from (pid=3733) start /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,904 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,904 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,905 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume to nova with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,905 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume.4c3fbd5bdd5940a6a8c99be0c06a1d45 from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,905 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume.4c3fbd5bdd5940a6a8c99be0c06a1d45 from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,905 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume.4c3fbd5bdd5940a6a8c99be0c06a1d45 to nova with key volume.4c3fbd5bdd5940a6a8c99be0c06a1d45 from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,906 INFO nova.rpc [-] Created "volume_fanout" fanout exchange with "volume" routing key 2011-07-20 16:50:26,906 DEBUG nova.rpc [-] Initing the Adapter Consumer for volume from (pid=3733) __init__ /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,906 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring queue volume_fanout_38aba204b3424fbc95b953efeaf9cbed from (pid=3733) queue_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,906 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Declaring exchange volume_fanout from (pid=3733) exchange_declare /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,906 DEBUG nova.fakerabbit [-] Binding volume_fanout_38aba204b3424fbc95b953efeaf9cbed to volume_fanout with key volume from (pid=3733) queue_bind /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,908 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user admin (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:50:26,909 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-proj from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,909 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=admin,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:26,910 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project proj with manager admin --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_update_of_volume_display_fields OK 0.25 test_update_of_volume_wont_update_private_fields OK 0.23 ComputeTestCase test_agent_update OK 1.42 test_ajax_console OK 0.91 test_console_output OK 1.39 test_create_instance_associates_security_groups OK 0.29 test_create_instance_defaults_display_name OK 0.50 test_default_hostname_generator OK 0.74 test_destroy_instance_disassociates_security_groups OK 0.86 test_destroy_security_group_disassociates_instances OK 1.11 test_finish_resize ERROR test_finish_revert_resize ERROR test_get_by_flavor_id OK 0.03 test_inject_file OK 0.98 test_live_migration_dest_raises_exception OK 0.02 test_live_migration_dest_raises_exception_no_volume OK 0.02 test_live_migration_works_correctly_no_volume OK 0.02 test_live_migration_works_correctly_with_volume OK 0.02 test_lock OK 2.05 test_migrate OK 1.45 test_pause OK 1.24 test_post_live_migration_working_correctly OK 0.51 test_pre_live_migration_instance_has_no_fixed_ip OK 0.02 test_pre_live_migration_instance_has_no_volume OK 0.02 test_pre_live_migration_instance_has_volume OK 0.02 test_pre_live_migration_setup_compute_node_fail OK 0.02 test_reboot OK 4.08 test_resize_down_fails OK 1.51 test_resize_instance ERROR test_resize_instance_notification ERROR test_resize_invalid_flavor_fails OK 1.40 test_resize_same_size_fails OK 0.89 test_resize_same_source_fails OK 1.45 test_run_instance_existing OK 0.89 test_run_instance_usage_notification OK 1.31 test_run_kill_vm OK 0.85 test_run_terminate OK 0.88 test_run_terminate_timestamps OK 1.49 test_set_admin_password OK 0.98 test_snapshot OK 1.54 test_start OK 2.61 test_stop OK 0.99 test_suspend OK 1.72 test_terminate_usage_notification OK 0.85 test_update_block_device_mapping OK 0.44 test_vnc_console OK 1.38 ConsoleTestCase test_add_console OK 0.20 test_add_console_does_not_duplicate OK 0.19 test_get_pool_creates_new_pool_if_needed OK 0.05 test_get_pool_does_not_create_new_pool_if_exists OK 0.03 test_get_pool_for_instance_host OK 0.03 test_remove_console OK 0.19 RevokeCertsTest test_revoke_certs_by_project OK 0.00 test_revoke_certs_by_user OK 0.00 test_revoke_certs_by_user_and_project OK 0.00 SymmetricKeyTestCase test_encrypt_decrypt OK 0.00 DirectTestCase test_delegated_auth OK 0.01 test_invalid OK 0.01 test_json_params OK 0.01 test_post_params OK 0.01 test_proxy OK 0.01 ApiErrorTestCase test_return_valid_error OK 0.00 WrapExceptionTestCase test_wrap_exception_good_return OK 0.00 test_wrap_exception_throws_error OK 0.00 test_wrap_exception_throws_exception OK 0.00 test_wrap_exception_with_notifier OK 0.00 test_wrap_exception_with_notifier_defaults OK 0.00 FlagsTestCase test_declare OK 0.02 test_define OK 0.01 test_flag_leak_left OK 0.00 test_flag_leak_right OK 0.00 test_long_vs_short_flags OK 0.02 test_runtime_and_unknown_flags OK 0.02 HostFilterTestCase test_all_host_filter OK 0.00 test_choose_filter OK 0.00 test_instance_type_filter OK 0.00 test_json_filter OK 0.00 HostTestCase test_bad_host OK 0.00 test_bad_status_value OK 0.00 test_bad_update_key OK 0.00 test_disable_host OK 0.00 test_enable_host OK 0.00 test_list_hosts OK 0.00 InstanceTypeTestCase test_get_all_instance_types OK 0.02 test_instance_type_create_then_delete OK 0.11 test_invalid_create_args_should_fail OK 0.04 test_non_existant_inst_type_shouldnt_delete OK 0.03 test_repeated_inst_types_should_raise_api_error OK 0.12 InstanceTypeExtraSpecsTestCase test_instance_type_extra_specs_create OK 0.18 test_instance_type_extra_specs_delete OK 0.10 test_instance_type_extra_specs_update OK 0.06 test_instance_type_get_all OK 0.07 test_instance_type_get_by_name_with_extra_specs OK 0.09 test_instance_type_get_with_extra_specs OK 0.04 test_instance_type_specs_get OK 0.03 IptablesManagerTestCase test_filter_rules OK 0.00 test_filter_rules_are_wrapped OK 0.02 test_nat_rules OK 0.01 IPv6AccountIdentiferTestCase test_to_global OK 0.01 test_to_mac OK 0.01 IPv6RFC2462TestCase test_to_global OK 0.01 test_to_mac OK 0.00 CacheConcurrencyTestCase test_different_fname_concurrency OK 0.01 test_same_fname_concurrency OK 0.00 IptablesFirewallTestCase test_do_refresh_security_group_rules SKIP: skipping libvirt tests -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:11,389 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:11,390 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,391 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,391 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_filters_for_instance_with_ip_v6 OK 0.02 test_filters_for_instance_without_ip_v6 OK 0.01 test_multinic_iptables OK 0.05 test_provider_firewall_rules SKIP: skip libvirt test project_get_network no longer exists -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:11,491 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:11,492 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,493 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,493 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_static_filters SKIP: skipping libvirt tests depends on get_network_info shim -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:11,509 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:11,510 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,511 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,511 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_unfilter_instance_undefines_nwfilter SKIP: skip libvirt test project_get_network no longer exists -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:11,527 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:11,528 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,529 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,529 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- LibvirtConnTestCase test_ensure_filtering_rules_for_instance_timeout OK 0.20 test_get_host_ip_addr OK 0.01 test_get_nic_for_xml_v4 OK 0.02 test_get_nic_for_xml_v6 OK 0.05 test_live_migration_raises_exception OK 0.02 test_lxc_container_and_uri SKIP: skipping libvirt tests depends on get_network_info shim -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:11,852 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:11,853 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,854 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:11,854 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_multi_nic OK 0.15 test_preparing_xml_info SKIP: Please review this test to ensure intent -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:12,024 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:12,026 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,027 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,027 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_snapshot OK 0.02 test_snapshot_no_image_architecture OK 0.03 test_spawn_with_network_info SKIP: test needs rewrite: instance no longer has mac_address -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:12,120 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:12,121 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,122 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,122 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_update_available_resource_works_correctly OK 0.28 test_update_resource_info_no_compute_record_found OK 0.05 test_xml_and_uri SKIP: skipping libvirt tests depends on get_network_info shim -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:12,518 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:12,526 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,527 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,527 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_xml_and_uri_no_kernel SKIP: skipping libvirt tests depends on get_network_info shim -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:12,559 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:12,560 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,561 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,561 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_xml_and_uri_no_ramdisk SKIP: skipping libvirt tests depends on get_network_info shim -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:12,586 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:12,597 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,598 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,598 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_xml_and_uri_no_ramdisk_no_kernel SKIP: skipping libvirt tests depends on get_network_info shim -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:12,621 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:12,623 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,623 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,623 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_xml_and_uri_rescue SKIP: skipping libvirt tests depends on get_network_info shim -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:12,638 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:12,639 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,640 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:12,640 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- NWFilterTestCase test_cidr_rule_nwfilter_xml OK 0.36 test_create_network_filters OK 0.07 test_creates_base_rule_first SKIP: Skipping this test -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:13,091 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:13,093 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:13,093 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:13,093 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_unfilter_instance_undefines_nwfilters SKIP: skip libvirt test project_get_network no longer exists -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:13,123 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:13,125 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:13,125 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:13,129 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- LocalizationTestCase test_multiple_positional_format_placeholders OK 0.21 LogHandlerTestCase test_log_path_logdir OK 0.00 test_log_path_logfile OK 0.00 test_log_path_logfile_overrides_logdir OK 0.00 test_log_path_none OK 0.00 NovaFormatterTestCase test_contextualized_log OK 0.00 test_debugging_log OK 0.00 test_uncontextualized_log OK 0.00 NovaLoggerTestCase test_child_log_has_level_of_parent_flag OK 0.00 test_has_level_from_flags OK 0.00 RootLoggerTestCase test_handlers_have_nova_formatter OK 0.00 test_handles_context_kwarg OK 0.00 test_is_nova_instance OK 0.00 test_module_level_audit_handles_context_arg OK 0.01 test_module_level_methods_handle_context_arg OK 0.02 test_name_is_nova OK 0.01 test_will_be_verbose_if_verbose_flag_set OK 0.02 test_will_not_be_verbose_if_verbose_flag_not_set OK 0.01 MetadataTestCase test_base OK 0.06 test_security_groups OK 0.04 test_user_data OK 0.05 LockoutTestCase test_lockout OK 0.01 test_multiple_keys OK 0.01 test_timeout OK 0.01 test_window_timeout OK 0.01 ExceptionTestCase test_exceptions_raise OK 0.00 LockTestCase test_synchronized_externally OK 1.10 test_synchronized_internally OK 0.01 test_synchronized_wrapped_function_metadata OK 0.00 ProjectTestCase test_authors_up_to_date OK 5.75 CommonNetworkTestCase test_remove_fixed_ip_from_instance OK 0.00 test_remove_fixed_ip_from_instance_bad_input OK 0.00 FlatNetworkTestCase test_get_instance_nw_info OK 0.01 test_set_network_hosts OK 0.00 VlanNetworkTestCase test_allocate_fixed_ip OK 0.00 test_create_networks_too_big OK 0.00 test_create_networks_too_many OK 0.00 test_vpn_allocate_fixed_ip OK 0.00 NotifierTestCase test_error_notification OK 0.00 test_invalid_priority OK 0.00 test_rabbit_priority_queue OK 0.00 test_send_notification OK 0.00 test_send_rabbit_notification OK 0.00 test_verify_message_format OK 0.00 S3APITestCase test_000_list_buckets OK 0.05 test_001_create_and_delete_bucket OK 0.04 test_002_create_bucket_and_key_and_delete_key_again OK 0.08 test_unknown_bucket OK 0.02 QuotaTestCase test_allowed_injected_file_path_bytes OK 0.08 test_default_allowed_injected_file_content_bytes OK 0.08 test_default_allowed_injected_files OK 0.09 test_max_injected_file_content_bytes OK 0.35 test_max_injected_file_path_bytes OK 0.33 test_max_injected_files OK 0.35 test_no_injected_files OK 0.34 test_overridden_allowed_injected_file_content_bytes OK 0.10 test_overridden_allowed_injected_files OK 0.09 test_quota_overrides OK 0.15 test_too_many_cores OK 0.15 test_too_many_gigabytes OK 0.11 test_too_many_injected_file_content_bytes OK 0.12 test_too_many_injected_file_path_bytes OK 0.11 test_too_many_injected_files OK 0.11 test_too_many_instances OK 0.19 test_too_many_metadata_items OK 0.11 test_too_many_volumes OK 0.13 test_unlimited_cores OK 0.11 test_unlimited_db_allowed_injected_file_content_bytes OK 0.08 test_unlimited_db_allowed_injected_files OK 0.09 test_unlimited_default_allowed_injected_file_content_bytes OK 0.09 test_unlimited_default_allowed_injected_files OK 0.10 test_unlimited_floating_ips OK 0.66 test_unlimited_gigabytes OK 0.11 test_unlimited_instances OK 0.11 test_unlimited_metadata_items OK 0.11 test_unlimited_ram OK 0.12 test_unlimited_volumes OK 0.11 RpcTestCase test_call_exception OK 0.13 test_call_succeed OK 0.04 test_call_succeed_despite_multiple_returns OK 0.07 test_call_succeed_despite_multiple_returns_yield OK 0.07 test_connectionpool_double OK 0.00 test_connectionpool_limit OK 0.01 test_connectionpool_single OK 0.00 test_context_passed OK 0.04 test_multicall_succeed_once OK 0.05 test_multicall_succeed_three_times OK 0.07 test_multicall_succeed_three_times_yield OK 0.08 test_nested_calls OK 0.19 ServiceFlagsTestCase test_service_disabled_on_create_based_on_flag OK 0.05 test_service_enabled_on_create_based_on_flag OK 0.04 ServiceManagerTestCase test_message_gets_to_manager OK 0.02 test_override_manager_method OK 0.02 ServiceTestCase test_compute_can_update_available_resource OK 0.04 test_create OK 0.01 test_report_state_newly_connected OK 0.01 test_report_state_newly_disconnected OK 0.01 test_report_state_no_service OK 0.01 TestLauncher test_launch_app OK 0.13 TestWSGIService test_service_random_port OK 0.01 IsolationTestCase test_rpc_consumer_isolation OK 0.01 test_service_isolation OK 0.06 TwistdTestCase test_basic OK 0.07 test_help OK 0.03 test_logfile OK 0.01 ExecuteTestCase test_no_retry_on_success OK 0.16 test_retry_on_failure OK 1.17 test_unknown_kwargs_raises_error OK 0.00 GenericUtilsTestCase test_bool_from_str OK 0.00 test_parse_server_string OK 0.00 GetFromPathTestCase test_accepts_dictionaries OK 0.00 test_bad_xpath OK 0.00 test_does_select OK 0.00 test_flattens_lists OK 0.00 test_real_failure1 OK 0.00 test_tolerates_nones OK 0.00 IsUUIDLikeTestCase test_good_uuid OK 0.00 test_integer_passed OK 0.00 test_non_uuid_string_passed OK 0.00 VMWareAPIVMTestCase test_destroy SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_destroy_non_existent SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_diagnostics SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_get_ajax_console SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_get_console_output SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_get_info SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_list_instances SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_list_instances_1 SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_pause SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_reboot SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_reboot_non_existent SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_reboot_not_poweredon SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_resume SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_resume_non_existent SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_resume_not_suspended SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_snapshot SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_snapshot_non_existent SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_spawn SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_suspend SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_suspend_non_existent SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic test_unpause SKIP: DB stubbing not removed, needs updating for multi-nic AOETestCase test_check_for_export_with_all_vblade_processes OK 6.88 test_check_for_export_with_no_volume OK 0.08 test_check_for_export_with_vblade_process_missing OK 6.86 ISCSITestCase test_check_for_export_with_all_volume_exported OK 1.48 test_check_for_export_with_no_volume OK 0.07 test_check_for_export_with_some_volume_missing OK 0.84 VolumeTestCase test_concurrent_volumes_get_different_targets OK 1.04 test_create_delete_snapshot OK 0.21 test_create_delete_volume OK 0.21 test_create_snapshot_force OK 0.27 test_create_volume_from_snapshot OK 0.35 test_multi_node OK 0.02 test_run_attach_detach_volume OK 0.37 test_too_big_volume OK 0.02 test_too_many_volumes OK 1.65 TestLoaderNormalFilesystem test_app_found OK 0.14 test_app_not_found OK 0.00 test_config_found OK 0.00 TestLoaderNothingExists test_config_not_found OK 0.00 TestWSGIServer test_no_app OK 0.00 test_start_random_port OK 0.00 CompareVersionTestCase test_equal OK 0.00 test_greater_than OK 0.00 test_length OK 0.00 test_less_than OK 0.00 test_non_lexical OK 0.00 HostStateTestCase test_host_state OK 0.00 XenAPIDetermineDiskImageTestCase test_glance_disk_raw OK 0.00 test_glance_disk_vhd OK 0.00 test_instance_disk OK 0.00 test_instance_disk_raw OK 0.00 XenAPIDiffieHellmanTestCase test_encrypt_many_newlines_at_end OK 0.27 test_encrypt_message_with_newlines_at_end OK 0.25 test_encrypt_newlines_inside_message OK 0.24 test_encrypt_really_long_message OK 0.22 test_encrypt_simple_message OK 0.24 test_encrypt_with_leading_newlines OK 0.23 test_shared OK 0.00 XenAPIMigrateInstance test_finish_resize OK 0.25 test_migrate_disk_and_power_off OK 0.04 XenAPIVMTestCase test_get_diagnostics OK 0.27 test_instance_snapshot OK 0.26 test_instance_snapshot_fails_with_no_primary_vdi OK 0.24 test_list_instances_0 OK 0.02 test_parallel_builds OK 3.66 test_rescue OK 0.25 test_spawn_fail_cleanup_1 OK 0.04 test_spawn_fail_cleanup_2 OK 0.22 test_spawn_glance OK 0.37 test_spawn_netinject_file OK 0.36 test_spawn_netinject_xenstore OK 0.33 test_spawn_not_enough_memory OK 0.14 test_spawn_objectstore OK 0.30 test_spawn_raw_glance OK 0.24 test_spawn_raw_objectstore OK 0.28 test_spawn_vhd_glance_linux OK 0.98 test_spawn_vhd_glance_swapdisk OK 0.58 test_spawn_vhd_glance_windows OK 0.30 test_spawn_vlanmanager SKIP: Never gets an address, not sure why -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:51:59,352 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: True) 2011-07-20 16:51:59,354 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:59,355 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:51:59,356 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- test_spawn_with_network_qos OK 0.27 test_unrescue OK 0.25 XenAPIVolumeTestCase test_attach_volume OK 0.04 test_attach_volume_raise_exception OK 0.05 test_create_iscsi_storage OK 0.02 test_parse_volume_info_raise_exception OK 0.02 ZoneManagerTestCase test_delete_expired_host_services_del_all_hosts OK 0.00 test_delete_expired_host_services_del_one_service OK 0.00 test_delete_expired_host_services_del_one_service_per_host OK 0.00 test_get_zone_capabilities_all_stale_host_services OK 0.01 test_get_zone_capabilities_expired_host OK 0.00 test_get_zone_capabilities_multiple_hosts OK 0.00 test_get_zone_capabilities_multiple_service_per_host OK 0.01 test_get_zone_capabilities_one_host OK 0.00 test_get_zone_capabilities_one_stale_host OK 0.01 test_get_zone_capabilities_one_stale_service_per_host OK 0.01 test_get_zone_capabilities_three_stale_host_services OK 0.01 test_host_service_caps_stale_all_stale_services OK 0.01 test_host_service_caps_stale_no_stale_service OK 0.01 test_host_service_caps_stale_one_stale_service OK 0.00 test_ping OK 0.00 test_poll_zone OK 0.00 test_poll_zone_fails OK 0.01 test_refresh_from_db_add_and_delete OK 0.00 test_refresh_from_db_missing OK 0.00 test_refresh_from_db_new OK 0.00 test_refresh_from_db_replace_existing OK 0.00 test_service_capabilities OK 0.01 ====================================================================== ERROR: test_finish_resize (nova.tests.test_compute.ComputeTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/tests/", line 427, in test_finish_resize self.compute.prep_resize(context, instance_id, 1) File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/", line 123, in wrapped raise Error(str(e)) Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'instance_type_get_by_id' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:34,699 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: False) 2011-07-20 16:50:34,700 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:34,701 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:34,701 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake 2011-07-20 16:50:34,807 INFO nova.compute.manager [3CSCNJ8OA9-LV7QYVDFP fake fake] check_instance_lock: decorating: || 2011-07-20 16:50:34,807 INFO nova.compute.manager [3CSCNJ8OA9-LV7QYVDFP fake fake] check_instance_lock: arguments: || || |1| 2011-07-20 16:50:34,807 DEBUG nova.compute.manager [3CSCNJ8OA9-LV7QYVDFP fake fake] instance 1: getting locked state from (pid=3733) get_lock /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/ 2011-07-20 16:50:34,871 INFO nova.compute.manager [3CSCNJ8OA9-LV7QYVDFP fake fake] check_instance_lock: locked: |None| 2011-07-20 16:50:34,871 INFO nova.compute.manager [3CSCNJ8OA9-LV7QYVDFP fake fake] check_instance_lock: admin: |True| 2011-07-20 16:50:34,871 INFO nova.compute.manager [3CSCNJ8OA9-LV7QYVDFP fake fake] check_instance_lock: executing: || 2011-07-20 16:50:35,421 ERROR nova.exception [-] Uncaught exception (nova.exception): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last): (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/", line 97, in wrapped (nova.exception): TRACE: return f(*args, **kw) (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/", line 111, in decorated_function (nova.exception): TRACE: function(self, context, instance_id, *args, **kwargs) (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/", line 750, in prep_resize (nova.exception): TRACE: old_instance_type = self.db.instance_type_get_by_id(context, (nova.exception): TRACE: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'instance_type_get_by_id' (nova.exception): TRACE: --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- ====================================================================== ERROR: test_finish_revert_resize (nova.tests.test_compute.ComputeTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/tests/", line 538, in test_finish_revert_resize instance_type_ref = db.instance_type_get_by_id(context, AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'instance_type_get_by_id' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:35,505 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: False) 2011-07-20 16:50:35,507 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:35,507 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:35,507 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake 2011-07-20 16:50:35,594 AUDIT nova.compute.manager [J5WOKX7X3GNABN568-22 fake fake] instance 1: starting... --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- ====================================================================== ERROR: test_resize_instance (nova.tests.test_compute.ComputeTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/tests/", line 477, in test_resize_instance self.compute.prep_resize(context, instance_id, 1) File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/", line 123, in wrapped raise Error(str(e)) Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'instance_type_get_by_id' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:48,222 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: False) 2011-07-20 16:50:48,223 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:48,224 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:48,225 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake 2011-07-20 16:50:48,306 AUDIT nova.compute.manager [IKSOLZOCC2OJD-2EW42- fake fake] instance 1: starting... 2011-07-20 16:50:48,911 INFO nova.compute.manager [IKSOLZOCC2OJD-2EW42- fake fake] check_instance_lock: decorating: || 2011-07-20 16:50:48,912 INFO nova.compute.manager [IKSOLZOCC2OJD-2EW42- fake fake] check_instance_lock: arguments: || || |1| 2011-07-20 16:50:48,912 DEBUG nova.compute.manager [IKSOLZOCC2OJD-2EW42- fake fake] instance 1: getting locked state from (pid=3733) get_lock /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/ 2011-07-20 16:50:48,973 INFO nova.compute.manager [IKSOLZOCC2OJD-2EW42- fake fake] check_instance_lock: locked: |None| 2011-07-20 16:50:48,973 INFO nova.compute.manager [IKSOLZOCC2OJD-2EW42- fake fake] check_instance_lock: admin: |True| 2011-07-20 16:50:48,973 INFO nova.compute.manager [IKSOLZOCC2OJD-2EW42- fake fake] check_instance_lock: executing: || 2011-07-20 16:50:49,033 ERROR nova.exception [-] Uncaught exception (nova.exception): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last): (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/", line 97, in wrapped (nova.exception): TRACE: return f(*args, **kw) (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/", line 111, in decorated_function (nova.exception): TRACE: function(self, context, instance_id, *args, **kwargs) (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/", line 750, in prep_resize (nova.exception): TRACE: old_instance_type = self.db.instance_type_get_by_id(context, (nova.exception): TRACE: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'instance_type_get_by_id' (nova.exception): TRACE: --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- ====================================================================== ERROR: test_resize_instance_notification (nova.tests.test_compute.ComputeTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/tests/", line 449, in test_resize_instance_notification self.compute.prep_resize(context, instance_id, 1) File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/", line 123, in wrapped raise Error(str(e)) Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'instance_type_get_by_id' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- 2011-07-20 16:50:49,048 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created user fake (admin: False) 2011-07-20 16:50:49,049 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __project_to_dn by key pid_dn-fake from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:49,049 DEBUG nova.ldapdriver [-] Local cache hit for __dn_to_uid by key dn_uid-uid=fake,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com from (pid=3733) inner /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/auth/ 2011-07-20 16:50:49,050 AUDIT nova.auth.manager [-] Created project fake with manager fake 2011-07-20 16:50:49,138 AUDIT nova.compute.manager [9DLUPLO0COX2A5T4I1S2 fake fake] instance 1: starting... 2011-07-20 16:50:49,737 INFO nova.compute.manager [9DLUPLO0COX2A5T4I1S2 fake fake] check_instance_lock: decorating: || 2011-07-20 16:50:49,738 INFO nova.compute.manager [9DLUPLO0COX2A5T4I1S2 fake fake] check_instance_lock: arguments: || || |1| 2011-07-20 16:50:49,738 DEBUG nova.compute.manager [9DLUPLO0COX2A5T4I1S2 fake fake] instance 1: getting locked state from (pid=3733) get_lock /tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/ 2011-07-20 16:50:49,797 INFO nova.compute.manager [9DLUPLO0COX2A5T4I1S2 fake fake] check_instance_lock: locked: |None| 2011-07-20 16:50:49,797 INFO nova.compute.manager [9DLUPLO0COX2A5T4I1S2 fake fake] check_instance_lock: admin: |True| 2011-07-20 16:50:49,798 INFO nova.compute.manager [9DLUPLO0COX2A5T4I1S2 fake fake] check_instance_lock: executing: || 2011-07-20 16:50:49,863 ERROR nova.exception [-] Uncaught exception (nova.exception): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last): (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/", line 97, in wrapped (nova.exception): TRACE: return f(*args, **kw) (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/", line 111, in decorated_function (nova.exception): TRACE: function(self, context, instance_id, *args, **kwargs) (nova.exception): TRACE: File "/tmp/tmps1MMkM/nova/compute/", line 750, in prep_resize (nova.exception): TRACE: old_instance_type = self.db.instance_type_get_by_id(context, (nova.exception): TRACE: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'instance_type_get_by_id' (nova.exception): TRACE: --------------------- >> end captured logging << --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1032 tests in 237.914s FAILED (SKIP=44, errors=4) Slowest 5 tests took 35.10 secs: 8.67 test_too_many_cores (nova.tests.scheduler.test_scheduler.SimpleDriverTestCase) 6.94 test_create_image (nova.tests.test_cloud.CloudTestCase) 6.88 test_check_for_export_with_all_vblade_processes (nova.tests.test_volume.AOETestCase) 6.86 test_check_for_export_with_vblade_process_missing (nova.tests.test_volume.AOETestCase) 5.75 test_authors_up_to_date (nova.tests.test_misc.ProjectTestCase)