
Created by dann frazier and last modified
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CE Hyperscale

Recent revisions

80. By Sean Feole

updated charm to auto-import the demo database upon relation-config-change with mysql. after the database is created, it will be populated with demo stuff

79. By dann frazier

Enable the apache mediawiki config stub

Trusty mediawiki has changed to require an explicit a2enconf call (LP: #1307758)

78. By dann frazier

Don't add private-namespace PPA

We're on trusty so we don't need any bits from here, and adding it causes
an install hook error because it has no arm64 packages files anyway.

77. By Marco Ceppi

[lazypower] Renamed setup to conform to charm add tests command, validated required dependencies via vagrant issued juju test on clean env

76. By Marco Ceppi

Fixed formatting for Python tests

75. By Marco Ceppi

Use sudo for installation scripts

74. By Charles Butler


Adds integration tests for unit deploy, db relationship with mysql, and cache relationship with memcached


73. By Jorge Castro

Readme fixes, set default configs.

71. By Marco Ceppi

Santize input from realtion-list

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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