
Created by bzr PQM and last modified
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bzr PQM

Recent revisions

6047. By Patch Queue Manager <pqm@cupuasso>

[trivial] new PQM test

6046. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(mbp) log a message when we get a EINVAL on a transport operation (Martin

6045. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(jelmer) Add get_transport_from_url and get_transport_from_path functions.
 (Jelmer Vernooij)

6044. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(jelmer) Move private Repository._eliminate_revisions_not_present to
 VersionedFileRepository. (Jelmer Vernooij)

6043. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(mbp) move test feature dependencies into test.features (Martin Pool)

6042. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(jelmer) Fix some tests to cope with working trees that do not support
 versioned directories. (Jelmer Vernooij)

6041. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(jelmer) Move NEWS entry for file-relative-url branch from bzr-2.4.txt to
 bzr-2.5.txt. (Jelmer Vernooij)

6040. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(jelmer) Add support for file relative URLs with a scheme. (Jelmer Vernooij)

6039. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(jam) Fix hte release notes for verbosity knob.

6038. By Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager <email address hidden>

(jameinel) Bug #812928,
 allow configuring how verbose the package freshness checks are. (John A

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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