
Created by Rohan Garg and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp:~blue-shell/blue-shell/mintdrivers

Branch merges

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Branch information


Import details

Import Status: Reviewed

This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at https://github.com/blue-shell/mintdrivers.git.

The next import is scheduled to run .

Last successful import was .

Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-3 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-3 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 4 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-3 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-3 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-1 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-1 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log

Recent revisions

17. By Rohan Garg

Override the install target

16. By Rohan Garg

Fix rules file, all those calls to dh are not required

15. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>


14. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>

Don't rely on the jockey icon (missing in some themes)

13. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>


12. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>

more l10n fixes

11. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>


10. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>

Fixed a little l10n issue

9. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>

Renamed desktop file (fix icon pixelation in alt-tab)

8. By Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>

More generic branding

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.