Merge lp:~benoit.pierre/sloecode/linux-help-tweak into lp:sloecode

Proposed by Benoit Pierre
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: Thomi Richards
Merged at revision: not available
Proposed branch: lp:~benoit.pierre/sloecode/linux-help-tweak
Merge into: lp:sloecode
Diff against target: 37 lines (+14/-14)
1 file modified
help_pages/getting-started-linux.rst (+14/-14)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~benoit.pierre/sloecode/linux-help-tweak
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
sloecode Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Fix weird formating in generated 'Getting Started under Linux' help page.

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1=== modified file 'help_pages/getting-started-linux.rst'
2--- help_pages/getting-started-linux.rst 2011-06-26 03:38:07 +0000
3+++ help_pages/getting-started-linux.rst 2011-10-01 15:40:22 +0000
4@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@
5 ``sudo apt-get install bzr bzr-sloecode``
7 4. We now have everything we need. Our last task is to set two pieces of
8- information. You will only need to do this once on each machine you
9- install bazaar on.
10- First, you need to tell Bazaar your name and email address. This
11- information is added to every commit message you generate, which allows
12- other developers to see who's adding code to the repository. To do this,
13- open a command prompt and type:
15- ``bzr whoami "Joe Bloggs <>"``
17- The second thing you need to do is tell the bzr-sloecode plugin your
18- username on the sloecode server. To do this, open a command prompt (or
19- use the same prompt as you did above) and type:
21- ``bzr sc-login username``
22+ information. You will only need to do this once on each machine you
23+ install bazaar on.
24+ First, you need to tell Bazaar your name and email address. This
25+ information is added to every commit message you generate, which allows
26+ other developers to see who's adding code to the repository. To do this,
27+ open a command prompt and type:
29+ ``bzr whoami "Joe Bloggs <>"``
31+ The second thing you need to do is tell the bzr-sloecode plugin your
32+ username on the sloecode server. To do this, open a command prompt (or
33+ use the same prompt as you did above) and type:
35+ ``bzr sc-login username``
37 Replacing "username" with your real sloecode username.


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