
Created by James Jesudason and last modified
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Banking Addons Core Editors
Banking Addons

Recent revisions

131. By James Jesudason

[FIX] HSBC statement ID is 9 characters long, not 8.

130. By James Jesudason

[FIX] Change the generation of the voucher to match the one that is created when entering the voucher manually.
[FIX] Adjust the amount of the original invoice in the payment currency at the payment date

129. By James Jesudason

[FIX] Remove validation of IBAN accounts on payment file generation as it is stopping payments to valid accounts.

128. By James Jesudason

[FIX] Change to the error handling on multi-line HSBC bank statement transacions.

127. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] check partner_id on statement line is defined before browsing further
[FIX] translation typo
[FIX] Do not write obsolete field 'code' to res.bank
[ADD] Write bic field to res.partner.bank when found
[FIX] Super() called with wrong object name
[FIX] Disable invalid (and unused) xpath expression
[RFR] Adapt NL Clieop module to API changes in 6.1
[FIX] Clieop export counter per day was always 1

126. By James Jesudason

[FIX] IBAN validation for Italian bank accounts is wrong and is preventing valid accounts from being added. Validation removed for Italian accounts. Need to find a long-term solution to IBAN validation as the current code is rejecting valid numbers for a number of countries.

125. By James Jesudason

[FIX] The validation of IBAN account numbers was preventing valid account numbers from being entered.

124. By James Jesudason

[FIX] Ensure that the payment rate currency is set on the voucher.

123. By James Jesudason

[FIX] The destination account address was set incorrectly.

122. By James Jesudason

[FIX] Payments from a Canadian bank account need the HSBC 6-digit sort-code number

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