This is *great*. Thanks very much. It would be really nice to have an initial line saying "Launching instance", followed by the actual instance id that got started -- and maybe to finish by running juju status -- but those are just details. So LGTM modulo trivials below, assuming jam is happy; and a few followup questions: 1) Can we drop the secrets dance soon? (I guess we still need it for the first connect to 1.16 via state :/... but maybe we don't need it for the API) 2) How close are we to writing the state server address directly into the .jenv, so we get fast API connections from the word go? I'd be really keen to see that followup soon :). 3) Which SSH commands do we still use? I think it's just debug-log that goes over the API now, so ssh, scp, and debug-hooks are all still SSHy AIUI -- can we consolidate those bits now? Any I didn't think of? 4) How hard will it be to extract the manual-provisioning code such that it's possible to run a "juju register" command on an instance that you want to provision and already have direct access to? I think we touched on this a while back, but I'm not sure we came to any conclusion. File cloudinit/sshinit/configure_test.go (right): cloudinit/sshinit/configure_test.go:36: environs.RegisterProvider("sshinit", &testProvider{}) Can we stick an explicit "test" into the name somewhere please? File environs/bootstrap/state_test.go (right): environs/bootstrap/state_test.go:59: c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) // doesn't exist, juju don't carea s/carea/care/ File provider/common/bootstrap.go (right): provider/common/bootstrap.go:40: // Std{in,out,err}, and interrupt signal handling. I'd like this to be an imminent followup, please :). provider/common/bootstrap.go:61: inst, hw, err = env.StartInstance(cons, selectedTools, machineConfig) Wouldn't this still work with :=, even given inst? Maybe I'm still sluggish after lunch... File provider/common/testing/bootstrap.go (right): provider/common/testing/bootstrap.go:17: f := func(*common.BootstrapContext, instance.Instance, *cloudinit.MachineConfig) error { Let's log something in here so that there's some way of diagnosing what happened if Disable gets called in a surprising situation. File provider/maas/maas_test.go (right): provider/maas/maas_test.go:14: commontesting "" Oh, a thought. Might DisableFinishBootstrap be happier in environs/testing? File utils/ssh/ssh.go (left): utils/ssh/ssh.go:15: // Move this to a common package for use in cmd/juju, and others. Can the SSHy bits in cmd/juju use this now?