In general I like that responsibility for setting up tools has been delegated to the providers. My main concern is that, as implemented, the bootstrap is not exiting early enough if the environment is already bootstrapped. File cmd/juju/bootstrap.go (right): cmd/juju/bootstrap.go:100: One implication of removing this check and running it as part of bootstrap.Bootstrap() below is that we may well end up uploading tools only to then tell the user "sorry, already bootstrapped". This check really does need to be run asap in the bootstrap process, before we do anything, so that we fail as early as possible. File environs/bootstrap/bootstrap.go (right): environs/bootstrap/bootstrap.go:50: // and update the agent-version configuration attribute. s/update/updates environs/bootstrap/bootstrap.go:51: func SelectBootstrapTools(environ environs.Environ, toolsList coretools.List) (coretools.List, error) { could we rename toolsList to availableTools or possibleTools to better reflect the purpose of the parameter? callers of this method tend to pass in a possibleTools variable so maybe that is the name to use File environs/manual/fakessh.go (right): environs/manual/fakessh.go:1: // Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. Why did this file get renamed from fakessh_test.go? The contents are only for testing. In general, we only use non "_test.go" files for testing if there are methods called from outside the package (I don't think that's the case here?); and if we do, we usually introduce a "testing" package into which such files are put to make it clear that the contents are for testing and not production business logic. File environs/testing/tools.go (right): environs/testing/tools.go:42: sync.DefaultToolsLocation = c.MkDir() // stop sync from going to s3 \o/ File provider/common/bootstrap.go (right): provider/common/bootstrap.go:29: // before potentially uploading any tools. Trouble is, we may already have uploaded tools prior to getting to this point. provider/common/bootstrap.go:76: func SetBootstrapTools(env environs.Environ, series string, arch *string) (coretools.List, error) { bikeshed - perhaps call this either SetupBootstrapTools or EnsureBootstrapTools. I think I prefer the latter.