Thanks, this is looking really nice; I have a number of thoughts below, of varying actionability (and perhaps sanity). Let me know what you think. File cmd/juju/debughooks.go (right): cmd/juju/debughooks.go:79: return fmt.Errorf("unit %q does not contain hook %q", unit.Name(), hook) Would you check whether the python includes handling for, say, "db-relation-*"? If so we should preserve it. cmd/juju/debughooks.go:109: args := []string{"-l", "ubuntu", "-t", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no", "-o", "PasswordAuthentication no", host, "--"} This looks awfully familiar. Can a useful set of common args be extracted? File cmd/juju/debughooks_test.go (right): cmd/juju/debughooks_test.go:29: stderr string Local convention would lean somewhat towards: var debugHooksTests = []struct{ ... }{{ args: []string{"mysql/0"}, result: regexp.QuoteMeta(...), }, { ... }} ... ie tightening the indentation slightly and explicitly naming every non-zero field. cmd/juju/debughooks_test.go:43: // "*" is a valid hook name: it means hook everything. I'd add these comments as an "info" field, and log them -- I find it really helps when diagnosing surprising failures. cmd/juju/debughooks_test.go:114: c.Logf("testing juju debug-hooks %s", t.args) Again by approximate mild convention: for i, test := range debugHooksTests { c.Logf("test %d: %s\n%s", i,, test.args) ...might be neatest. The "testing juju debug-hooks" bit is somewhat redundant in the light of the test name, but the args are clearly interesting enough to log.. File worker/uniter/context.go (right): worker/uniter/context.go:13: I'd prefer to call this plain "debug". worker/uniter/context.go:156: It's big and distracting, and not really related to this CL; but, as you hit packages using log it's nice to switch them over to loggo as you do. A followup doing so would be much appreciated. worker/uniter/context.go:158: maybe pull this block out into a runCharmHook() method? File worker/uniter/debug/client.go (right): worker/uniter/debug/client.go:12: func (c *DebugHooksContext) ClientScript(hooks []string) string { quibble quibble bikeshed -- how about: func ClientScript(c *DebugHooksContext, hooks []string) string { ..? It's a little bit jarring to have the functionality of a single type spread across files, and I think this works just as well as a utility func. worker/uniter/debug/client.go:23: s = strings.Replace(s, "{hook_args}", strings.Join(hooks, " "), -1) Hmm... maybe store these with a tiny bit more structure, with a view to easier compatibility if and when we want to change anything related? Clients of version X will doubtless at some stage connect to units of version Y, and a bit of potential for flexibility could save a lot of headaches if and when any of this stuff needs to change. YAML along the lines of `hooks: [foo, bar, baz]` would be fairly normal. Thoughts? worker/uniter/debug/client.go:84: END I think readability would be enhanced if you pulled this out into a tmuxConf const and subbed it in at runtime. worker/uniter/debug/client.go:95: exec tmux attach -t {unit_name} Shouldn't we kill the session here? Otherwise, next time the server runs a hook, it'll find the session and start creating windows and waiting for input that'll never come. Right? File worker/uniter/debug/common.go (right): worker/uniter/debug/common.go:15: type DebugHooksContext struct { I think we can drop the stuttering -- debug.HooksContext sounds fine to me. worker/uniter/debug/common.go:25: basename := fmt.Sprintf("juju-%s-debug-hooks", state.UnitTag(c.Unit)) imminently names.UnitTag, fwiw File worker/uniter/debug/server.go (right): worker/uniter/debug/server.go:18: hooks map[string]bool utils/set.Strings? worker/uniter/debug/server.go:43: proc.Kill() What happens in all these goroutines when we run N hook windows in a row without exiting the client? On balance, I think it's good that we don't try to kill the session here, because staying in debug mode when the client unexpectedly disconnects is actually pretty cool, if you have some reason to believe that the client is likely to come back at some point; if so, they're likely to be pleased that we waited for them. worker/uniter/debug/server.go:95: tmux new-session -d -s $JUJU_UNIT_NAME 2>&1 | cat > /dev/null || true Is this still needed? Aren't we now using the existence of this session as a condition for triggering this script? File worker/uniter/debug/server_test.go (right): worker/uniter/debug/server_test.go:46: s.setenv("PATH", s.fakebin+":"+os.Getenv("PATH")) This also looks awfully familiar; would you have a quick look through the source for similar constructions and maybe open a bug and tag it tech-debt if it seems like there are wins to be had? worker/uniter/debug/server_test.go:109: // in exceptional situations. Doesn't match test name, don't think is needed. worker/uniter/debug/server_test.go:147: // exit cleanly (as if the PID were real and no longer running). Hmm. Is there any way to fail a hook once we're debugging it? A `juju-fail` hook command would be handy in a couple of contexts then: (1) charm authors debugging hooks could fail out and retry with a clean context if they just did `juju resolved --retry` after `juju-fail`ing and killing the original window, and (2) we could also grab those messages and put them in status, and thus make it a useful channel for authors to communicate charm-specific errors back to users. I'm worried people would abuse it to spam users with, say, python tracebacks in the middle of status... but we can make it part of the charm approval guidelines, I guess?