
Created by Scott Moser and last modified
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Development of awstrial

Recent revisions

456. By Dave Walker

awstrial/templates/index.html: Roz'd string, Steps to steps.

455. By Scott Moser

only do session.save() in mark if there was an update made

454. By Scott Moser

do not update session executed_time or terminated_time if already set

in session_helper.mark, do not update the time if it is aready set.
This was causing problems as the bouncer would continually bounce
the system rather than going to terminate, because the time was
constantly being updated.

There is still another fix needed as for some reason instances
that had user sessions that were executed but not terminated were being given
to other sessions.

453. By Scott Moser

update getLocaleInfo to only consider languages that have langpacks

452. By Scott Moser

fix session_helper:bounce one more time

451. By Scott Moser

improve logging in info_callback, to include region of instance_id

450. By Scott Moser

fix usage of mark in session_helper:bounce

449. By Scott Moser

fix bug in session_helper:bounce. change "session_helper.mark" -> "mark"

448. By Dave Walker

Hard code sshkey to false for now

447. By Scott Moser

add privacy page

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