
Created by Manuel Moos and last modified
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Branch information

Armagetron Advanced Developers
Armagetron Advanced

Recent revisions

3350. By Manuel Moos

Merge from legacy_0.2.9

3349. By Manuel Moos

Correct images for new merge request compatible jobs

3348. By Manuel Moos

Merge from legacy_0.2.9

3347. By Manuel Moos

Remove exception specification

it confuses Linux Steam and Windows builds, probably for some
good reason

3346. By Manuel-moosnet

Merge branch 'bugfix_background_lock' into 'trunk'

Safer end-of-life for tBackgroundSync

Closes #151

See merge request armagetronad/armagetronad!163

3345. By Manuel Moos

Merge from legacy_0.2.9

3344. By Manuel Moos

Merge from legacy_0.2.9

3343. By Manuel Moos

Add headerpad option to make the bundling work

install_name_tool requires it now with the library changes

That also seems to be what would be needed to bundle the abseil-full
protobuf, we'll see when we get there

3342. By Manuel Moos

Changs LIBS and C(XX/PP) flags setting of protobuf

so it is guaranteed any custom protobuf libary we set up
(such as for mac builds) gets found before the system wide one

3341. By Manuel Moos

Add old protobuf version (if installed by homebrew) to paths

Background: protobuf 22 now requires abseil, which is absurdly big
and we do not want it in our bundles. And even if we would be OK
with that, bundle ceeation with later protobuf version fails and
the bundling script would need unknown adaptions.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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