
Created by Aaron Peachey and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~aaronp/rnr-server/modify-api
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Branch information

Aaron Peachey
Ratings and Reviews server

Recent revisions

189. By Aaron Peachey

fix most of the failing tests

188. By Aaron Peachey

add check for pending moderation before modify

187. By Aaron Peachey

* handlers.py: small tweaks to make modify work and
ensure rating stats are accurate after modification

186. By Aaron Peachey

small tweaks to handlers.py and urls.py

185. By Aaron Peachey

changes to set up modify and GET/PUT/POST/DELETE

184. By Michael Nelson

[r=lukasz] Fix dependency on configglue after new release and update populate command for new db column.

183. By Aaron Peachey

[r=noodles][bug=778301] Enable rnrclient method for user to delete their own review.

182. By Anthony Lenton

[r=newz] Remove the default calls to action offered to the user in 404.html

181. By Anthony Lenton

Remove the hide_meta=True option when setting up our OOPSWare wsgi middleware.

180. By Anthony Lenton

Add a view to trigger an oops report.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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