Publishing details


oscam (1.20-9687~r9460-ppa1~raring) raring; urgency=medium

  * [r9460]

    add connected idle

  * [r9459]

    add missing changed file

  * [r9458]

    remove group sort
    remove h3 for all cwc its a part of the rest not a title

  * [r9457]

    full fixed table sorter
    stop refresh on sort
    change hooverpointer on sortable cols

  * [r9456]

    Remove "Refresh" links in USERS and READERS. It is unnecessary for Basic WebIf. We can use F5 or reload over browser.
    If for some important he may use own TPL files.

    Fix in jscript.js for addnewuser and addnewreader function.

    Added new class for TABLE in readers.html

  * [r9455]

    In previous version I changed in jscript.js "cdpause()" to "reloadPause()".
    Fix for right reload page in cacheex.html and readers.html

  * [r9454]


    - Fix some typo in HTML
    - Added uncompressed script for searching in table with fix for two TH in THEAD of TABLE )
    - Remove script for sorting and added better uncompressed script for sorting ( so far, only for USERS )

    We sorting in USERS by Label, Protocol, LTIME, ECM OK, ECM NOK, ECM IGN, ECM TOUT, ECM, CACHE, ECM TUN, ECM last 60s, EMM OK, EMM NOK, CW Rate, CASC USERS.

  * [r9453]

    Missed to add the 0000 picon output variable if it was found...

  * [r9452]

    Better efficiency for channel picons: You can use 0000 as caid in the filename to match all caids for that srvid (so IC_0000_1234.tpl). By that it is not necessary anymore to put up picons multiple times for channels with many encryption systems.

  * [r9451]

    Replace dirty workaround from r9424.

  * [r9450]

    do not loop html action querys

  * [r9449]

    remove () in status oscam revision

  * [r9448]

    fix build without CacheEX

  * [r9447]

    change NEEDINIT for CCCAM CacheEX

  * [r9446]

    sorry wrong for file

  * [r9445]

    color fix for entitlement

  * [r9444]

    remove checkbox format

  * [r9443]

    small text fixes

  * [r9442]

    -version is just for info
    -add timeline link

  * [r9441]

    same topspacing for all main sites

  * [r9440]

    add css id var for readertyp

  * [r9439]

    dont show idle time if offline or disabled

  * [r9438]

    confirm delete of reader & user

  * [r9437]

    allow override for picons in user & status
 -- Andrey Pavlenko <email address hidden>   Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:37:59 +0400

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