
Created by Albert Astals Cid and last modified
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Albert Astals Cid

Recent revisions

1065. By Albert Astals Cid

Merge lp:unity-2d

1064. By Albert Astals Cid

Merge lp:unity-2d

1063. By Albert Astals Cid

Sort the files before passing them to gettext to get stable ordering of the messages in the .pot

1062. By Albert Astals Cid

Update the .pot each time we build

1061. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

releasing version 5.10.0-0ubuntu1

1060. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release:
  - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in
    QCoreApplication::notifyInternal() (LP: #918566)
  - Unity-2d-shell crashes on startup on 64bit machines with 20+ tiles in
    launcher (LP: #967012)
  - Unity 2-d launcher doesn't hide or display properly (LP: #940590)
  - [dash] search terms aren't applied on lens change / dash show
    (LP: #947985)
  - [5.8 pre staging] "sticky edge" option does nothing visible
    (LP: #961285)
  - [dash] Maximise, then restore - much of background not removed from
    screen (LP: #968215)
  - [hud] shows up when using ctrl+alt and pressing alt first (LP: #972318)
  - [UIFe] Dash - No message displayed when no results are returned in the
    Dash (LP: #711199)
  - Missing lens shortcuts (Super-A, Super-F) (LP: #834078)
  - [dash] Unable to scroll Filter Results (LP: #920878)
  - [launcher] stays open if you mouseOut before reveal animation completes
    (LP: #943296)
  - HUD on wrong screen on mutli monitor system (LP: #947145)
  - [a11y] Orca reports "Shell" when opening HUD, Dash or Launcher
    (LP: #948033)
  - multimonitor: Please give me a way to turn off sticky monitor edges
    (LP: #946104)
  - [dash] Esc key behavior inconsistent with Unity (LP: #966121)
  - toggling the spread from the launcher does not work (LP: #968146)
  - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in KeyMonitor::registerEvents()
    (LP: #965464)
  - [Dash] Focus is lost when switching with the mouse (LP: #974235)
  - Multiple items selected in HUD list (LP: #948441)
  - Hud hides launcher even if set to always show (LP: #948960)
  - [launcher] Pointer reveal barrier should be 1 way only (LP: #960175)
  - [hud] connection to HUD being created on startup (LP: #965106)
  - [dash] On 1024x786 screen, dash not fullscreen so border truncated
    (LP: #967305)

1059. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* debian/control:
  - bump libnux-2.0-dev to latest for ABI break

1058. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-2d-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1057. By Leo Arias

Fixed typo on comment. (shutdwn -> shutdown). Fixes: . Approved by Albert Astals Cid.

1056. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-2d-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

Branch metadata

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