
Comment 6 for bug 575118

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dagurasu (dagurasu15) wrote :

Ok I see Moser's point about crss searching meta-data. I tend to like to build some fixed structture and that's why I want tags in a wiki,.. which isn't naturally structured. But this might about do the same thing just without the visual tree apeal that helps organize my brain. Also as you click more tags the choices should narrow down to only relevant remaining ones. I have some concern that the top level(containing everything) just gets too big though. Too many first choices to visualy scan. You then always have to access your brain first and either type or scan a long list. But everyone works diferently.

@jaap yes I thought about conflict with a local tags page and tedium of typing even just tag: let alone :tags:. Yes it's best if using links if the page is named cleverly. Of course it's possible to have @foo alias to :tags:foo with write permissions and the auto linking behavior and still re-use your link structure.

Yes I see the point that moving a page changes links and that's messier than needed for tags, OTH, you already have all the coding for changing back-links when pages moves don't you? So ugly or not... it's already done. Just seemed like it might be a simple way to shoe-horn it in with minimal effort.

Anyway, you're the coder on this one and obviously I can't fully appreciate all the subtleties without digging through the code myslef. Beggers can't be choosers or back-seat drivers. I'm glad it's gaining interest though.