
Comment 22 for bug 575118

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Fabian Stanke (fmos) wrote : Re: [Bug 575118] Re: [feature request] Organize pages with tags

Hi Anton,

Am 03.03.2011 22:09, schrieb Anton Zayats:
> I've spend some time playing with it.

Thanks for the "in-depth" review/testing/feedback!

> Tags view: 1) If the page and a subpage has the same tag, the
> subpage will appear twice under the tag. Confusing, but not
> critical.

This, as most other things you mention, is intended behaviour I'm
afraid. Note the phrase "pages can appear multiple times in the tree" in
the TODO list on the Wiki page. Of course the intention is IMO nowhere
near frozen and we can discuss and change it. (see bottom)

> 2) Drag and drop in the tags tab doesn't work as advertised. With
> dragging and dropping I did the structure that doesn't not exist in
> index, tags are not added anywhere on the page. Personally, I don't
> think that drag'n'drop is needed here.

Thank you for pointing that out. Drag and drop behaviour is somehow
underspecified on the wiki page IMO, but I had a discussion with Jaap on
the topic earlier and will go over that again and update the wiki. Then
I will be able to correct either the implementation or the "advertising".

> Tag Cloud: Fantastic! I just love tag buttons you can switch on and
> off and filtering is instant.

Me too! ;)

> Two wishes here: 1) Can it be a plain list of pages, not a tree? To
> my taste it will make this view simpler, cleaner and more efficient

As long as you don't expand the nodes, a tree is a list. Also I think it
can be useful that way, because if you use subpages, they will be
somehow related to the parent and thus kind-of inherit the tags from it
as well.

> 2) If no tag is selected I expect to see no pages. But this is a
> matter of taste.

If you look at it from the filtering standpoint, you expect:
no filter - all pages. I don't see how showing nothing would improve
usability here.

> A bug: I see not only the trees, but all the pages
> as well (I think this is the same as in tags view). Especially
> confusing when no tag is selected.

As discussed above, this is not really a bug but intentional. (see bottom)

> General: may be use other color to distinguish links from tags (when
> I see blue text in zim I want to click on it). But this is not
> important at all.

I think, that's a good idea. I will do that.

> Also I noticed a kind of "drag'n'drop" event in a
> tree (Index tab) while writing some text on a page. I observed this
> a few times, but not sure what triggered this drag'n'drop.

That sounds like the only real bug here. Do you have details (running
zim --no-daemon -D in a console)

On the matter of what to show, I see three options:

a) The current state i.e. list all pages and include their sub-pages
below them. If parent and child contain the same tag, the child is
listed twice, once below the parent and once at the top level.

b) List only i.e. no sub-pages

c) Tree only (this applies only to the cloud): Show the full tree if no
filter is applied and hide leaves that don't contain the filter tags as
soon as filtering is applied. I.e. hiding sub-pages of tagged pages, but
showing their parents, even if they don't contain the tags.

IMO, option b) is just a matter of a) after pressing "\" to collapse all
and option c) is counter-intuitive, since I'm usually more interested in
sub-pages of a tagged page than in the parent (I often re-factor too
large pages into sup-pages and believe that a common behaviour).

So my vote unsurprisingly goes to a), but if you disagree, speak up and
convince me :)
