Xibo 1.0.2 "Halley"

Milestone information

Code name:
Dan Garner
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 Alex Harrington, 8 Dan Garner
3 Implemented
7 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon xibo-win32-client-README.txt (md5) Client Readme 523
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
download icon xibo-server-1.0.2.tar.gz (md5) Xibo 1.0.2 Server TAR 473
last downloaded 12 days ago
download icon xibo-server-1.0.2.zip (md5) Xibo 1.0.2 Server ZIP 854
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
download icon xibo-client-1.0.2-win32-x86-DEBUG.msi (md5) Xibo 1.0.2 Debug Client MSI 402
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
download icon xibo-client-1.0.2-win32-x86.msi (md5) Xibo 1.0.2 Client MSI 1,168
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,420

Release notes 

Full release notes can be found here: http://wiki.xibo.org.uk/wiki/Release_Notes:1.0.2


View the full changelog

Fixes for the following Bugs
* 379927 - Uploading a file revision reports success - but actually fails
* 354468 - Some characters are not displayed in RSS
* 379499 - Windowless video causes some Videos not to show
* 383089 - PHONE_HOME blocks client display when there is no direct internet connection
* 388292 - MySQL PHP Extension error message is unclear
* 388592 - White text will not show in region preview

===New Features===
====Configure RSS Update Interval====
[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xibo/+spec/rss-update-interval Blueprint]
Added an option to Ticker Media items to allow you to configure how long the RSS feed should be cached for before a new version is pulled from the server. Can be set to 0 which causes the client to pull a fresh copy each time the Ticker media is used.

====Embed RAW HTML====
[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xibo/+spec/embed-html Blueprint]
We've seen alot of interest in embedding bits of external websites in Xibo layouts (eg Youtube videos, weather widgits etc). Adding support for a RAW HTML media type was a near 0 code change to the client so we've implemented it here.

====Ticker Speed====
[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xibo/+spec/ticker-scroll-speed Blueprint]
Xibo tickers automatically adjust their scrolling speed so that the whole feed is shown in the time the feed is allowed to be on screen (within certain sensible limits). However people still wanted to be able to adjust the speed of the tickers, so as it was a very minor code change we've implemented that option.

====Ticker Single====
[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xibo/+spec/ticker-scroll-speed Blueprint]
Xibo has always supported breaking an RSS feed in to a sequence of individual items and showing them sequentially, however the GUI options to build such a media item were hidden. We've unhidden them in this version.

====Improved installer debug output====
Added additional log output in the event of the installer/upgrader failing to run an SQL query.

3 blueprints and 7 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Configure RSS Update Interval Configure RSS Update Interval 2 Low Dan Garner  11 Implemented
Embed raw HTML Embed raw HTML 2 Low Dan Garner  11 Implemented
Option to adjust Ticker scroll speed Option to adjust Ticker scroll speed 2 Low Dan Garner  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
379927 #379927 [server] Uploading a file revision reports success - but actually fails 3 High Dan Garner  10 Fix Released
379927 #379927 [server] Uploading a file revision reports success - but actually fails 3 High Dan Garner  10 Fix Released
379499 #379499 Windowless video causes some Videos not to show 4 Medium Dan Garner  10 Fix Released
383089 #383089 PHONE_HOME blocks client display when there is no direct internet connection 4 Medium Alex Harrington  10 Fix Released
354468 #354468 Some characters are not displayed in RSS 5 Low Dan Garner  10 Fix Released
388292 #388292 MySQL PHP Extension error message is unclear 5 Low Alex Harrington  10 Fix Released
388592 #388592 White text will not show in region preview 5 Low Dan Garner  10 Fix Released
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