Comment 21 for bug 986534

Revision history for this message
Chuck Wilder (chuckw20) wrote :

@wl-zocker #20 -
Inasmuch as the check boxes appear on the wood background in only one window in the game (i.e. the sound options) and I believe the this style is sufficiently distinguishable, I am not inclined to make any more adjustments.

The mouse-over feature is not currently used for the check boxes in the game. I merely provided those samples for potential use IF mouse-over was ever implemented. With no coding changes, they will not be seen in the game (and not added at this time.) The same is true for the "NA" graphic.

I have not yet checked to determine if the current code requires all of the check boxes in column 1 (original). I merely restyled all of the check box files I found in the pics folder. If I were to guess, the "checkbox_light_new" graphic is now used in stead of the "checkbox-light". I will search the code for each filename and only implement those I find in the current code.

It is my intent to not alter any code, but only the graphic files that are currently referenced.

I will post my findings here before pushing any changes.