
17 of 7 results
trunk series Focus of Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.

Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

These are the windows installer binaries.

source-release series Current Stable Release
Latest releases: 1.3
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

This is the current upstream source code release.

osx-binary series Current Stable Release
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

These are the OSX dmg installer images.

Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

These are the binary Linux (i386) releases, installable on any distribution.

experimental series Active Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

I am playing with Matplotlib as a backend to Veusz.

development series Active Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

This is where code from the official svn repository gets uploaded in bazaar.

17 of 7 results