µTimer 0.3

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Arnaud Soyez
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Release notes 

Here is a new release of µTimer, it is now version 0.3.

This version introduces new features and also lots of code improvements.

Change log between 0.3 and 0.2.1

    * Added the stopwatch feature!
          o utimer –stopwatch
    * Now you can pause and resume the timer/stopwatch/countdown using the Spacebar
    * Added –enable-debug=[no/minimal/yes] option to configure
    * Now completely rely on GTimers for calculating the elapsed time
    * Added testing units (can be run when bulding utimer, using: make test)
    * Lots of code cleanup
    * Dropped the stability for releases (stable/unstable) as they weren’t very meaningful.


View the full changelog

2009-06-01 Arnaud Soyez

 * Minor changes in README.in and utimer.1

2009-06-01 Arnaud Soyez

 * Introduced testing units (using Glib testing)
 - Run 'make test' to run tests
 - Added a Makefile.decl
 - Added gobject-2.0 to the modules needed when building (PKG_CHECK_MODULES)
 - Tests are in src/tests/
 * Merged ut_config.h into utils.{h,c}
 * ut_config is now initialized and freed using init_config() and free_config()
 * Created new function that sets up the log handler (setup_log_handler())
 * timer_get_diff now uses ut_timer* as parameter (instead of Gtimer)
 * Renamed timer_apply_suffix to apply_suffix
 * Moved functions to utils.{c,h}:
 - apply_suffix
 - start_thread_exit_check
 - set_tty_canonical
 - reset_tty_canonical_mode
 - quitloop
 - error_quitloop
 - success_quitloop
 - check_exit_from_user
 * ut_timer*->start_timer is now ut_timer*->gtimer
 * parse_time_pattern now returns the seconds and mseconds through the given parameters
 * Reduced code for ut_timer creations (timer_new_*()...)
 * ut_timer creations functions now take parameters to help creating the ut_timer
 * Moved some ut_config variables to static variables in utimer.c
 * start_thread_exit_check now needs a ut_timer* as parameter
 * exit_status_code is now ut_config.current_exit_status_code

2009-05-29 Arnaud Soyez

 * Removed periods from options list.
 * Also check for uppercase 'Q' instead of only the lowercase 'q'.

2009-05-29 Arnaud Soyez

 * Added stopwatch features: (LP: #379425)
 - Modified utimer.1 accordingly
 - Modified README.in accordingly
 * ut_timer now uses mode variable to store current mode (stopwatch/timer/countdown)
 * Added ut_config.{isCountdown,isTimer} to clean_up function.
 * some cleanup in utimer.1
 * Minor code cleanup

2009-05-26 Arnaud Soyez

 * Some more indenting

2009-05-26 Arnaud Soyez

 * Some indenting / code styling.

2009-05-26 Arnaud Soyez

 * Fixed countdown not working (stops at start)

2009-05-23 Arnaud Soyez

 * Added possibility to pause the timer using the spacebar.
 * Changed manpage according to above change.
 * Now prefer using ut_timer* instead of ut_timer directly.
 * timer_init is now timer_new_timer and returns a pointer to ut_timer.
 * countdown_init is now countdown_new_timer and returns a pointer to ut_timer.
 * Added a cleanup function that is called with atexit().
 * loop is now freed when calling quitloop.

2009-05-22 Arnaud Soyez

 * Changed method to calculate elapsed time (now completely rely on GTimers)
 * Moved static functions/variables to the top of appropriate files. (in src/timer.c and src/utimer.c)
 * Renamed timer_sleep -> timer_check_loop
 * Renamed timer_start_thread -> timer_run_checkloop_thread
 * Moved TIMER_REFRESH_RATE to utimer.h (instead of timer.h)
 * Renamed update_timer_safe_source_id -> timer_print_source_id (for ut_timer struct)
 * Better indents for some functions declarations in timer.h
 * Now buffered output is also deactivated when using --debug
 * Removed obsolete check for escape key

2009-05-21 Arnaud Soyez

 * Removed non-meaningful stability from configure.ac and README.in
 * Removed obsolete commented line from configure.ac
 * Bumped version (better method of bumping version)

2009-05-21 Arnaud Soyez

 * Added --enable-debug=[no/minimal/yes] option to configure

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