Comment 0 for bug 888636

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Chow Loong Jin (hyperair) wrote :

  affects unity
  affects hundredpapercuts
  affects ubuntu/unity

The Alt+Tab timeout is set to 150ms, which leads to a general impression of
slowness/lagginess, as the switcher does not appear immediately.

I'm assuming that this was done so that the user may switch between two
applications quickly without bringing the launcher up by tapping Alt+Tab and
releasing before the 150ms is up, so I'm attaching a patch that lowers this to
50ms, which appears to be a good compromise for me, from my testing.

Personally, I've found in my own daily use that when switching to the next
application, I prefer to know what I'm switching to before letting go of Alt,
which makes the current behaviour very annoying. So annoying that I've almost
exclusively switched to task-switching with the ring switcher and scale switcher.

Here's an external link regarding the issue:

Some quick googling for "alt tab delay" also reveals that many Windows users are
complaining about the Alt+Tab delay/slowness in Windows.

Kind regards,
Loong Jin