You can browse the source code for the development focus branch or get a copy of the branch using the command:
bzr branch lp:unity-scope-musique

See all merge proposals.

Unity Musique Scope has 2 active branches owned by 2 teams. There were 0 commits in the last month.

Bazaar branches

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
Series: trunk
1 Development 2013-07-23 20:22:54 UTC
27. Releasing 0.1+13.10.20130723-0ubuntu1...

Author: PS Jenkins bot
Revision Date: 2013-07-23 20:22:54 UTC

Releasing 0.1+13.10.20130723-0ubuntu1 (revision 26 from lp:unity-scope-musique).

Approved by PS Jenkins bot.

Series: saucy
1 Development 2013-10-21 13:05:04 UTC
28. Update Vcs-Bzr to saucy

Author: Timo Jyrinki
Revision Date: 2013-10-21 13:05:00 UTC

Update Vcs-Bzr to saucy

12 of 2 results
You can't create new branches for Unity Musique Scope.