Comment 1 for bug 873580

Revision history for this message
Alex Wolfson (awolfson) wrote :

has a commit

561. By Ugo Riboni on 2011-05-06
    Make all super key behavious conditional to a gconf key

This is when conversion to dconf happened:

unity-2d (3.8.12-0ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low

  - [launcher] Migrate gconf key /desktop/unity-2d/launcher/super_key_enable
      to dconf (LP: #810509)

 -- Didier Roche <email address hidden> Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:05:38 +0200

On the SUT those settings are correct:

gsettings get com.canonical.Unity2d.Launcher super-key-enable

Some tech info from Ugo highlighting a scope of the problem:
I can give you some pointers on where to look in the code to start figuring out how to fix this issue. This is based on the natty version of the code I'm using for another project but I don't think there were many drastical changes to this part.

To see how to check if the dconf key is set or not, see for example the code in launcher/app/launcherview.cpp in the method updateSuperKeyMonitoring

To disable Super+Number you need to add this check in LauncherView::forwardNumericHotkey (just return immediately from the method if the check for the key say it's superkey is disabled)

Super+D is not related to unity-2d, I think it's controlled by metacity and respects the gconf key /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/show_desktop

For the other shortcuts that activate the various places (or lenses as they are called now): each place specify its own shortcut.
You can change (or remove them) in /usr/share/unity/places/ in the various .place files you find there.
(this last big may have changed in oneiric)