Comment 1 for bug 915380

Revision history for this message
Natalia Bidart (nataliabidart) wrote :

All of these setting of the HOME env needs to be fixed so xdg_home returns the expected path:

nessita@dali:~/canonical/client/trunk$ grep HOME tests/
tests/syncdaemon/ old_home = os.environ['HOME']
tests/syncdaemon/ os.environ['HOME'] = self.home_dir
tests/syncdaemon/ self.addCleanup(os.environ.__setitem__, 'HOME', old_home)
tests/syncdaemon/ self.ancestors = self.udf.ancestors # need a fake HOME
tests/syncdaemon/ self.old_home = os.environ.get('HOME', None)
tests/syncdaemon/ os.environ['HOME'] = self.home
tests/syncdaemon/ os.environ.pop('HOME')
tests/syncdaemon/ os.environ['HOME'] = self.old_home
tests/platform/linux/eventlog/ self._old_home = os.environ['HOME']
tests/platform/linux/eventlog/ os.environ['HOME'] = self.home_dir
tests/platform/linux/eventlog/ os.environ['HOME'] = self._old_home

Also, ideally, we should make the xdg_home patch in a single base test case. Please analyze if this is possible, and also analyze if this can/should be done in dev tools.