Branches for Vivid

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/vivid/groonga 2 Mature 2014-10-29 23:09:50 UTC
3. * Team upload. * debian/control - S...

Author: Kentaro Hayashi
Revision Date: 2014-10-25 02:58:33 UTC

* Team upload.
* debian/control
  - Support amd64,i386,kfreebsd-amd64,kfreebsd-i386 and ppc64el only
    because of build failure for other architectures. It is a just workaroud.
  - Follow Standard-Version to 3.9.6.

lp:ubuntu/vivid-proposed/groonga 1 Development 2014-10-29 23:09:59 UTC
3. * Team upload. * debian/control - S...

Author: Kentaro Hayashi
Revision Date: 2014-10-25 02:58:33 UTC

* Team upload.
* debian/control
  - Support amd64,i386,kfreebsd-amd64,kfreebsd-i386 and ppc64el only
    because of build failure for other architectures. It is a just workaroud.
  - Follow Standard-Version to 3.9.6.

12 of 2 results