Branches for Trusty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/trusty/solr 2 Mature 2013-10-18 22:45:37 UTC
15. [ Jan-Pascal van Best ] * Removed Jan...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2012-05-25 09:22:40 UTC

[ Jan-Pascal van Best ]
* Removed Jan-Pascal from uploaders.

[ James Page ]
* Added myself to uploaders.
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.3:
  - d/copyright: Referenced released version of DEP-5 and tidied up
    obsolete field names.
* Install utility scripts to correct location under ${solr.home}
  (Closes: #538229), create symlink for backwards compatibility.
* Link /var/log/solr to ${solr.home}/logs.
* Added Italian debconf translation (Closes: #659388). Thanks to Beatrice
  Torracca for this work.
* Sync changes from Ubuntu and fix FTBFS with current versions of lucene
  (Closes: #593027).
* Drop dependency on glassfish-mail, no longer required (Closes: #575208).
* Pickup maintenance of this package until solr3/lucene3 supercedes it.
  (Closes: #652729, #674511).
* Use default-jre-headless as primary runtime dependency for solr-common.
* Removed Thomas Koch from uploaders, thanks for your work!

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