Branches for Trusty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/trusty-proposed/mysql-5.5 bug 2 Mature 2015-07-02 18:24:08 UTC
41. Introduce full memory barrier support...

Author: dann frazier
Revision Date: 2015-06-15 12:11:36 UTC

Introduce full memory barrier support for arm64 and ppc64el to fix
corruption/hang issues (LP: #1427406).

lp:ubuntu/trusty-security/mysql-5.5 bug 2 Mature 2017-01-18 07:41:29 UTC
53. * SECURITY UPDATE: Update to 5.5.54 t...

Author: Marc Deslauriers
Revision Date: 2017-01-18 07:41:29 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: Update to 5.5.54 to fix security issues
  - CVE-2017-3238
  - CVE-2017-3243
  - CVE-2017-3244
  - CVE-2017-3258
  - CVE-2017-3265
  - CVE-2017-3291
  - CVE-2017-3312
  - CVE-2017-3313
  - CVE-2017-3317
  - CVE-2017-3318
* debian/patches/fix_test_events_2.patch: fix date in test.

lp:ubuntu/trusty-updates/mysql-5.5 2 Mature 2017-01-18 07:41:29 UTC
53. * SECURITY UPDATE: Update to 5.5.54 t...

Author: Marc Deslauriers
Revision Date: 2017-01-18 07:41:29 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: Update to 5.5.54 to fix security issues
  - CVE-2017-3238
  - CVE-2017-3243
  - CVE-2017-3244
  - CVE-2017-3258
  - CVE-2017-3265
  - CVE-2017-3291
  - CVE-2017-3312
  - CVE-2017-3313
  - CVE-2017-3317
  - CVE-2017-3318
* debian/patches/fix_test_events_2.patch: fix date in test.

lp:ubuntu/trusty/mysql-5.5 1 Development 2014-02-19 21:08:10 UTC
40. * Merge from Debian unstable. * Cherr...

Author: Robie Basak
Revision Date: 2014-02-19 21:08:10 UTC

* Merge from Debian unstable.
* Cherry-picks from Debian VCS for 5.5.35+dfsg-2, as it is held in Debian
  - d/mysql-server-5.5.mysql.init: Increase timeout to 30s.
  - d/mysql-server-5.5.postinst: Run mysql_install_db as mysql so tables are
    not created as root.
  - Re-add mysql-testsuite metapackage.
  - Add dep8 tests.
  - Move mailx from Recommends to Suggests.
  - Add AppArmor profile.
  - Write an error log and logrotate it.
  - Build with debug symbols.
  - Make innotop usable without installing Suggests.
  - d/control: Drop Nicholas from Uploaders, MIA.
  - Add missing misc:Depends to mysql-testsuite.
* Remaining changes currently maintained only in the Ubuntu delta:
  - d/mysql-server-5.5.postrm: restore postrm debhelper token
    to get proper behaviors from dh_installinit and dh_apparmor. In
    discussion in Debian, but not yet committed.
  - Add upstart script. Blocked in Debian by the debhelper token issue above.
  - Add apport hook. Not relevant for Debian.
  - Split mysql-client-core-5.5 out from mysql-client-5.5. Submitted to
    Debian, but not yet accepted.

14 of 4 results