Branches for Saucy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/saucy/cmigemo 2 Mature 2013-06-11 11:17:51 UTC
7. * Fix migemo-option in emacsen-startu...

Author: Youhei SASAKI
Revision Date: 2013-06-11 11:17:51 UTC

* Fix migemo-option in emacsen-startup (Closes: #715385)
* Fix error of '(load-library "migemo")'
  if migemo-el is removed but not purged (Closes: #715386)
* Update Depends field: emacs should be preferred emacs23 (Closes: #715384)
  - Thanks to Tatsuya Kinoshita about above three bug report!!!
* Update debian/contrib/migemo.el for Emacs >= 24.3
  - Swtich upstream: Use emacs-jp repository.
* Remove obsolete `DM-Upload-Allowed' line.
* Bump Standard Version: 3.9.4
* Update Vcs-* field: Use Canonical URI
* Update debian/copyright: copyright year and URI of format 1.0
* Upload experimental to unstable

lp:ubuntu/saucy-proposed/cmigemo 1 Development 2013-07-09 17:17:35 UTC
7. * Fix migemo-option in emacsen-startu...

Author: Youhei SASAKI
Revision Date: 2013-06-11 11:17:51 UTC

* Fix migemo-option in emacsen-startup (Closes: #715385)
* Fix error of '(load-library "migemo")'
  if migemo-el is removed but not purged (Closes: #715386)
* Update Depends field: emacs should be preferred emacs23 (Closes: #715384)
  - Thanks to Tatsuya Kinoshita about above three bug report!!!
* Update debian/contrib/migemo.el for Emacs >= 24.3
  - Swtich upstream: Use emacs-jp repository.
* Remove obsolete `DM-Upload-Allowed' line.
* Bump Standard Version: 3.9.4
* Update Vcs-* field: Use Canonical URI
* Update debian/copyright: copyright year and URI of format 1.0
* Upload experimental to unstable

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