Branches for Raring

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/raring/cloudprint 2 Mature 2012-10-19 04:41:53 UTC
2. * Initial release based on a PPA pack...

Author: Till Kamppeter
Revision Date: 2011-08-09 02:21:11 UTC

* Initial release based on a PPA package from Jack Deslippe
  (jdeslip at gmail dot com), with the following changes:
* Upstream source: Use GIT snapshot, rev 620e490f1a1, tate of May 12, 2011
* debian/control: Replaced obsolete "XS-Python-Version: >= 2.6" by
  "X-Python-Version: >= 2.6".
* debian/control: Added explicit dependencies on python-cups and python-daemon
* debian/control: Set Section to "net".
* debian/control: Set Maintainer/XSBC-Original-Maintainer.
* debian/control: Added description.
* debian/pyversions: Added up-to-date way to mark the minimum Python version
* debian/patches/use-python-daemon: Use python-daemon for daemonizing
  cloudprint and not the obsolete daemon module.
* debian/patches/do-not-crash-on-network-failure: Do not crash if the
  network connection fails. Simply keep running so that work gets done
  as soon as the network comes back.
* debian/copyright: Corrected the entries, removed garbage at the end.
* debian/README.source: Removed, it did not contain any information.
* debian/watch: Added watch file, but only telling in comments that
  the source tarball is a GIT snapshot.
* debian/cloudprint.1, debian/cloudprint.manpages: Added simple man page.

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