Branches for Precise

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/precise/usbmount 2 Mature 2011-10-13 16:40:32 UTC
16. * [f6f3d8d] Add very important README...

Author: Rogério Theodoro de Brito
Revision Date: 2011-08-08 13:02:25 UTC

* [f6f3d8d] Add very important README/documentation file.
  Closes: #593232.
* [57cdf9b] Make the description of remounting a partition more detailed.
* [a939ffd] Update copyright file to DEP5 (candidate) format.
* [82e9c7c] debian/copyright: Validate the transition to DEP-5 format.
* [0b1ec98] debian/{compat,control}: update debhelper compatibility to 8.
* [354692c] debian/postrm: include removal of mountpoints in purge
* [e8d3b35] debian/pre{inst,rm}: use internal test command of the shell.
* [fbd26e6] debian/changelog: include list of changes generated by git-dch
* [917da84] usbmount: say what was trying to be mounted in error messages
* [a63b109] usbmount: Make regular expression more robust.
  Thanks to gregor herrmann, Niels Boehm, and Yegor Yefremov.
  Closes: #636991.
* [879beb6] debian/control: Use wrap-and-sort to normalize the fields.
* [12d0f12] debian/control: Update Standard-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes).
* [e73cf7a] usbmount: Fix spelling errors. Tks Yuri D'Elia.
  Closes: #630317.
* [8899b3f] debian/NEWS: Fix spelling errors. Tks John Foerch.
  Closes: #637113.

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