Branches for Precise

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/precise/ubuntustudio-default-settings bug 2 Mature 2012-04-12 18:13:19 UTC
34. [ Janne Jokitalo (astraljava) <astral...

Author: Janne Jokitalo
Revision Date: 2012-04-12 11:44:24 UTC

[ Janne Jokitalo (astraljava) <> ]
* Corrected the gsettings-override dbus service name (LP: #969626)
* Set autoplay for media as false (LP: #975253)
* Fixed Vcs-Bzr field in control

[ ttoine <> ]
* adjusted ubuntu studio CoF logo for full transparency (LP: #967160)

[ Scott Lavender <> ]
* updated xfce4-clock-plugin display settings (LP: #971205)

lp:ubuntu/precise-proposed/ubuntustudio-default-settings bug 2 Mature 2013-10-10 22:36:02 UTC
35. Fix help icon in launcher menu by ope...

Author: Howard Chan
Revision Date: 2013-10-07 14:27:27 UTC

Fix help icon in launcher menu by opening help page in wiki
instead (LP: #1236111)

lp:ubuntu/precise-updates/ubuntustudio-default-settings 2 Mature 2013-10-24 18:08:42 UTC
35. Fix help icon in launcher menu by ope...

Author: Howard Chan
Revision Date: 2013-10-07 14:27:27 UTC

Fix help icon in launcher menu by opening help page in wiki
instead (LP: #1236111)

lp:~smartboyhw/ubuntu/precise/ubuntustudio-default-settings/bug-1041882 1 Development 2012-09-30 15:51:28 UTC
125. wrong email

Author: Howard Chan
Revision Date: 2012-09-30 15:16:46 UTC

wrong email

14 of 4 results