Branches for Precise

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/precise/python-django-registration 2 Mature 2011-11-02 11:43:40 UTC
5. * Provide README.Debian in place of u...

Author: Raphaƫl Hertzog
Revision Date: 2011-11-02 11:43:40 UTC

* Provide README.Debian in place of upstream's README.txt. Closes: #646589
* Switch to dh_python2 instead of python-support.
* Bump debhelper compat level to 8
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no change needed)
* Update URL in copyright file.
* Drop the article in the description (lintian warning).
* Update Vcs-Browser URL to point to the new location at

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