Branches for Oneiric

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/oneiric/dh-make-perl 2 Mature 2011-07-03 14:51:54 UTC
23. [ gregor herrmann ] * Build.PL: add m...

Author: Damyan Ivanov
Revision Date: 2011-07-03 14:51:54 UTC

[ gregor herrmann ]
* Build.PL: add missing modules.
* Update copyright notices.
* Debian::Control::Stanza::Source: add XS-Autobuild field; mention all
  fields in POD, and sort list.

[ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
* create packages with Standards-Version 3.9.2.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
* Debian::Control::Stanza::Source: Add DM-Upload-Allowed field to
  supported fields for source stanza in debian/control.
* Debian::Control::Stanza::Source: Order fields similar to dh_make generated

[ Nicholas Bamber ]
* Updated authorship notice

[ Damyan Ivanov ]
* Add --vcs option, guiding VCS-* headers' creation in --pkg-perl mode. It
  also helps with the initial repository creation for Git
* Do not die when the WNPP cache cannot be read, for example due to binary
  format change in Storable. Also, use platform-independent storage.
  Closes: #626987 - dh-make-perl: Debian::WNPP::Query does not correctly
  invalidate cache or use platform-netural Storable format
* bump default debhelper compatibility level to 8
* note oldstable has perl 5.10.0, not 5.8.8
* apply a patch from Manfred Stock fixing AptContents not to miss
  alternative dependencies when a given module is found in more than one
  package. Closes: #622852
* Use CPAN::Meta for processing META.* files, adding support for META.json.
* When no META file is available, try parsing name and version from Build.PL
  before Makefile.PL. Closes: #589946
* fix calls to extract_basic_copyright from File::Find::find to not chdir,
  fixing lookups for ./LICENSE, etc on refresh. Closes: #613606 -- Fails to
  correctly identify GPLv2 in RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.08 on refresh

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