Branches for Oneiric

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/oneiric/cecil 2 Mature 2011-08-07 22:38:20 UTC
14. [ Iain Lane ] * [411dc78] Update to u...

Author: Iain Lane
Revision Date: 2011-08-07 22:38:20 UTC

[ Iain Lane ]
* [411dc78] Update to use my d.o email address
* [74bedaf] Disable clilibs; this is an unstable library
  apps grow unnecessary depends otherwise
* [5288c1f] Mangle debian version in watch file to take care of repacking.
  Also update watch file to look at new github location for tarballs
* [8f7110f] Relax version restriction on cli-common-dev; anything from 0.8
  will do

[ Jo Shields ]
* [e846eb8] Imported Upstream version 0.9.5+dfsg
* [3017d96] Bump build dependencies, as we're building for Mono 2.10 now.
* [27c2cff] Set to DebSrc 3.0, so we can apply patches via Quilt.
* [d0447b3] Update build to use XBuild, not manual compiler invocation.
* [08d2b92] Patch to avoid building tests (which rely on NUnit 2.4)
* [fa5a033] Update install file to include all new assemblies and locations.
* [43bd1e2] Since upstream no longer ships a pcfile, add our own.
* [942ead4] Don't try to ship a Changelog when none exists.
* [ba8232d] Erase obj/ folders in clean rule.
* [090af34] Exclude modulerefs on Windowsy libraries.

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