Branches for Natty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/natty/koffice bug 2 Mature 2011-07-23 09:49:27 UTC
75. * Only build-dep on libqt4-opengl-dev...

Author: Scott Kitterman
Revision Date: 2011-03-27 14:56:26 UTC

* Only build-dep on libqt4-opengl-dev and libglew1.5-dev on [i386 amd64
  powerpc] to fix armel FTBFS due to the GL/GLES transition (LP: #707794)
  - Add debian/patches/kubuntu_06_krita_link_x.diff to fix indirect linking
    in krita (Thanks to Jonathan Riddell for the patch)

lp:ubuntu/natty-security/koffice bug 2 Mature 2012-08-10 06:42:18 UTC
76. * SECURITY UPDATE: possible arbitrary...

Author: Marc Deslauriers
Revision Date: 2012-08-06 10:55:34 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: possible arbitrary code execution via malformed Word
  document (LP: #1032934)
  - debian/patches/wv2_buffer_overflow_fix.diff: don't overflow grupx in
  - CVE number pending

lp:ubuntu/natty-updates/koffice 2 Mature 2012-08-10 06:42:25 UTC
76. * SECURITY UPDATE: possible arbitrary...

Author: Marc Deslauriers
Revision Date: 2012-08-06 10:55:34 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: possible arbitrary code execution via malformed Word
  document (LP: #1032934)
  - debian/patches/wv2_buffer_overflow_fix.diff: don't overflow grupx in
  - CVE number pending

13 of 3 results