Branches for Lucid

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/lucid/skytools 1 Development 2010-02-13 10:46:11 UTC
7. * Non-maintainer upload. * debian/{co...

Author: Sandro Tosi
Revision Date: 2010-02-13 10:46:11 UTC

* Non-maintainer upload.
* debian/{control, rules}
  - use pysupport to manage the Python module, so also compiling it; thanks to
    Luca Falavigna for the report; Closes: #566047
* debian/{control, rules, *.links, *.install}
  - support only PostgreSQL 8.4; thanks to Martin Pitt for the report;
    Closes: #559606
* debian/rules
  - added rule
  - added class
* debian/patches/missing_includes.diff
  - added missing includes, fixing the FTBFS with PostgreSQL 8.4
* skytools.install
  - don't hardcode 'python2.5' and 'site-package', use globbing instead
* patches/rename_as_for_python2.6.diff
  - added to replace 'as', since it's a reserved word in Python 2.6; thanks to
    Fabrice Coutadeur for the report; Closes: #535144
* debian/skytools-modules-8.4.install
  - added installation of files from 'debian/tmp/usr/share/skytools' needed
    for the module to look for SQL files; thanks to Marc Cousin for the
    report and Chris Lamb for the patch; Closes: #534310
* debian/control
  - replaced explicit Depends on 'python' with substvar ${python:Depends}
  - build-depends on python-all-dev, to be built against all support Python

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