Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/karmic/python-pymetar 1 Development 2009-08-16 15:25:43 UTC
7. * New upstream release * Cosmetic sou...

Author: Uli Martens
Revision Date: 2009-08-01 15:02:08 UTC

* New upstream release
* Cosmetic source changes without actual differences in the package:
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2 from 3.8.0
  - Update debhelper compat level from 4 to 7
  - Add ${misc:Depends} to the Depends:
* Bump the dependency on debhelper to the lenny version (7.0.15)
* Rewrite debian/rules to use debhelper/lenny capabilities
  (i.e. bin/dh, but no override-foo)
* Add METAR, NOAA descriptions to the package description.
* Rewrite the man page:
  - Explain METAR, NOAA abbreviations
  - State that the name of the HTTP_PROXY environment variable name is case
* This upload reviewed and sponsored by Sebastian Harl <>.
  Thank you!

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