Branches for Karmic

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/karmic/libmpc 1 Development 2009-08-19 11:44:11 UTC
2. * New upstream stable release (Closes...

Author: Sebastian Dröge
Revision Date: 2009-03-04 10:08:01 UTC

* New upstream stable release (Closes: #518116):
  + mpcchap is not built because we don't have libcuefile packaged yet.
  + debian/patches/02_link-libm.patch:
    - Updated to apply cleanly again.
  + debian/control:
    - Build depend on latest libreplaygain for the new API.
* debian/control:
  + Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0, no additional changes needed.
* debian/rules:
  + Update shlibs for API additions.

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