Branches for Intrepid

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/intrepid/unzoo 2 Mature 2009-12-05 19:06:26 UTC
6. * Use dpatch instead of keeping chang...

Author: Fabian Greffrath
Revision Date: 2007-07-04 20:47:00 UTC

* Use dpatch instead of keeping changes in the .diff.gz.
* debian/patches/*:
  - Split the current .diff.gz into 4 patches.
  - Create a debian/patches/00list file with all patches.
* debian/patches/04-directory-traversal.dpatch:
  + The new option is called -f, not -t.
* debian/patches/05-CVE-2007-1673.dpatch:
  + New patch: Fixes infinite loop (Closes: #424690),
    thanks Christoph Löhr <>!

* debian/compat:
  + Set compat level to 5.
* debian/control:
  + Raised debhelper Build-Depends to (>= 5).
  + Added Build-Depends on dpatch.
* debian/manpage/unzoo.1, debian/README:
  + Added description of new option -f.
* debian/rules:
  + Include dpatch.make template.
  + Apply and unapply patches.
  + Removed bogus line 14.
  + Pass README and manpage/unzoo.1 to appropriate debhelper calls.
* debian/manpages, debian/docs:
  + Removed.
  + Moved to debian/README.

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