Branches for Hoary

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/hoary/wmanager 1 Development 2009-12-10 20:08:15 UTC
3. * New upstream release * Build-depend...

Author: Tommi Virtanen
Revision Date: 2003-05-11 17:34:49 UTC

* New upstream release
* Build-depend on libfltk1.1-dev. Closes: #192257, #191982.
* Provide a menu-method that updates /etc/X11/wmanagerrc, make wmanager
  fall back to that if ~/.wmanagerrc does not exist. Closes: #117591.
* Contributions from Andreas Rottmann <>:
   - fixed debian/copyright to avoid lintian warning.
   - bumped Standards-Version.
   - adapt Interface destructor for fltk 1.1 (fixes segfault).

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