Branches for Hardy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/hardy/email-reminder 2 Mature 2009-08-18 13:44:25 UTC
11. * New upstream release - Fixes corr...

Author: François Marier
Revision Date: 2008-02-21 18:32:32 UTC

* New upstream release
  - Fixes corruption of the .email-reminders file in the presence of accented
    characters (hence the high urgency)
  - Now sends emails as UTF-8, allowing accented characters in event names

* Move the chmod'ing of the config file before it's written out in order
  to make this safer. Thanks to Joey Hess for catching this.
* Add German debconf translation. Thanks Helge! (closes: #462805)
* Reset the debconf password question after the config has been written.
  This unfortunately means that the question will be ask at every install
  or upgrade, but at least it allows the password to be set to the empty
  string (closes: #462658).
* debian/control: Move Perl to Build-Depends-Indep
* debian/rules: Rename empty /usr/lib/perl5 after build
* debian/postinst: Create the userid as a system user (and remove the group
  from postinst and cron.daily)

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